eiscp-rest is a spring boot application that allows you to control your Onkyo receiver over REST
Currently supports the following features
- Get and control power state
- Get and control master volume
- Query and switch input
GET /power
POST /power/on
POST /power/off
POST /power/toggle
GET /volume
POST /volume/{newVolume}
POST /volume/increase
POST /volume/decrease
GET /volume/is-muted
POST /volume/toggle-mute
GET /input
POST /input/next
POST /input/previous
POST /input/{newInput} # I.e. PC or STRM_BOX
GET /input/available
Fetch or request new states. I.e volume, power, input etc.
GET /state
POST /state
GET /state/updates # SSE endpoint which publishes all state changes as they happen