Support for images of type: PNG, JPEG, PPM, GIF, TIFF, ICO and BMP
Smart formatting for the best picture quality
Clean and intuitive UI
Formatted image preview
- Download the exe file from the latest release.
- Run the app.
- App will launch with no background. If you have an internet connection, the background image should download.
- Restart the app.
- Done!
No. This project is using PyInstaller - a way to package python to an executable file. It unfortunetley causes Windows Defender and other antivirus software to mark it as a some sort of trojan. If you know Python, just take a look at the code to know for yourself or run it on a Virtual Machine.
It's possible that the .exe file could not work due to problems with packaging .py into .exe. There isn't a lot that can be done, except for downloading the raw .py and running it using an IDE like VS Code.