EasyDoH is a simple addon for Firefox that allows to easily activate DNS over HTTPS and its working mode with just one click.
It contains explanations for the different modes allowed (only available in about:config) and DoH servers to choose from.
This addon requires changes in files, and since this cannot be done from the extension itself a Python script is needed that should be downloaded aside from the addon.
Run install.bat script in the desired directory. This script installs the native messaging host for the current user, by creating a registry key:
and set its default value to:
If you want to install the native messaging host for all users, change HKCU to HKLM.
For convenience an executable is provided, which is no more than the easydoh.py file compiled for you. If you do not trust this executable file, just dismiss it and compile the easydoh.py file yourself. If this is your case, please, note that you would need to have python installed.
For uninstall use uninstall.bat to completely remove it from the system.
Run install.sh script in the desired directory.
By default it is only installed for the current user, if you want it to be available for all the system users run it as root (eg. sudo ./install.sh)
Use uninstall.sh to completely remove it from the system.
This project is licensed under the MPL Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details