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Project Bank

Overview This is the backend repository for Project Bank, a project tracking system aimed at keeping track of projects done over time by Moringa School students. The system allows for easy reference to past projects and encourages collaboration among students through sharing of ideas and borrowing of projects. The project is built with React on the frontend and Ruby on Rails on the backend.

Team The Project Eleven team consists of four developers who have specialized in Full Stack development. The frontend of the project is developed with React, while the backend is developed with Ruby on Rails.


The following are the minimum viable features that are included in the Project Eleven system:

Authentication Registration Creating backend endpoints Serializing data Frontend template for registration Create a dashboard for all Courses then inside the classes allow someone to filter either android , fullstack, web, or data science. Students and Admin should be able to view projects under each course and add projects. When creating a Project, there should be: Project name Project description Members Github link Admin dashboard: Should be able to add cohort (name, course and number of students) Should be able to add or delete projects Student and Admin have username, email, and password(use password_digest) Create the Student, Admin, Course( enum category: [:android, :fullstack, :web, :datascience]), Projects(can belong to different categories in the Course), and Cohort classes their respective attributes and relationships. Cohort has attributes name, course which relates to the enum category in Course class, and number of students as attributes

Technical Expectations

The Project Eleven backend is built using the following technologies:

Backend: Ruby on Rails Database: PostgreSQL Wireframes: Figma (Mobile friendly) Testing Framework: Jest & Minitests Frontend: ReactJs & Redux Toolkit(state management)


The following endpoints have been implemented in the Project Eleven backend:

POST /auth/login - Authentication endpoint POST /auth/register - Registration endpoint GET /courses - Get all courses GET /courses/:id - Get a course by ID GET /courses/:id/projects - Get all projects for a course POST /courses/:id/projects - Create a new project for a course GET /cohorts - Get all cohorts GET /cohorts/:id - Get a cohort by ID POST /cohorts - Create a new cohort DELETE /cohorts/:id - Delete a cohort GET /students - Get all students GET /students/:id - Get a student by ID POST /students - Create a new student GET /projects - Get all projects GET /projects/:id - Get a project by ID PUT /projects/:id - Update a project DELETE /projects/:id - Delete a project These endpoints allow for the viewing, creation, editing, and deletion of students, cohorts, courses, and projects. Additionally, the system also allows for searching of students, cohorts, courses, and projects by name, course, category, and other attributes.

Installation and Setup

To set up the Project Eleven backend locally, follow these steps:

  • Clone the repository git clone

  • Navigate to the project directory cd project-eleven-backend

  • Install dependencies bundle install

  • Set up the database rails db:migration and rails db:seed

  • Run the frontend using npm start

Login Credentials

Student - email: "", password: "isaac123" Admin - email: "", password: "isaacadmin123"


Isaac Tonyloi Caroline Elvis




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