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print/multiversion: align adjacent columns' lines, to match up their …
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eddyb committed Mar 12, 2023
1 parent 3185de8 commit 29dced6
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Showing 3 changed files with 287 additions and 7 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Cargo.toml
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Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ indexmap = "1.7.0"
internal-iterator = "0.2.0"
itertools = "0.10.3"
lazy_static = "1.4.0"
longest-increasing-subsequence = "0.1.0"
rustc-hash = "1.1.0"
serde = { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1.0"
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281 changes: 277 additions & 4 deletions src/print/
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@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
//! Multi-version pretty-printing support (e.g. for comparing the IR between passes).
use crate::print::pretty;
use crate::print::pretty::{self, TextOp};
use crate::FxIndexMap;
use internal_iterator::{
FromInternalIterator, InternalIterator, IntoInternalIterator, IteratorExt,
use itertools::Itertools;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::fmt;
use std::fmt::Write;
use std::{fmt, mem};

/// Wrapper for handling the difference between single-version and multi-version
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,14 +158,25 @@ impl Versions<pretty::FragmentPostLayout> {
last_was_uniform = is_uniform;

// Attempt to align as many anchors as possible between the
// columns, to improve legibility (see also `AnchorAligner`).
let mut anchor_aligner = AnchorAligner::default();
for (fragment, _) in versions_with_repeat_count {

html.body += "<tr>\n";
for (fragment, repeat_count) in versions_with_repeat_count {
for ((_, repeat_count), column) in versions_with_repeat_count
writeln!(html.body, "<td colspan=\"{repeat_count}\">").unwrap();

let pretty::HtmlSnippet {
head_deduplicatable_elements: fragment_head,
body: fragment_body,
} = fragment.render_to_html();
} = column.into_internal().collect();
html.body += &fragment_body;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,3 +214,260 @@ impl<PF> Versions<PF> {

/// Tool for adjusting pretty-printed columns, so that their anchors line up
/// (by adding empty lines to whichever side "is behind").
struct AnchorAligner<'a> {
merged_lines: Vec<AAMergedLine>,

/// Current ("rightmost") column's anchor definitions (with indices pointing
/// into `merged_lines`), which the next column will align to.
// FIXME(eddyb) does this need additional interning?
anchor_def_to_merged_line_idx: FxIndexMap<&'a String, usize>,

// FIXME(eddyb) fine-tune this inline size.
// FIXME(eddyb) maybe don't keep most of this data around anyway?
original_columns: SmallVec<[AAColumn<'a>; 4]>,

/// Abstraction for one "physical" line spanning all columns, after alignment.
struct AAMergedLine {
// FIXME(eddyb) fine-tune this inline size.
// FIXME(eddyb) consider using `u32` here?
per_column_line_lengths: SmallVec<[usize; 4]>,

struct AAColumn<'a> {
/// All `TextOp`s in all lines from this column, concatenated together.
text_ops: Vec<TextOp<'a>>,

/// The length, in `TextOp`s (from `text_ops`), of each line.
// FIXME(eddyb) consider using `u32` here?
line_lengths: Vec<usize>,

impl<'a> AAColumn<'a> {
/// Reconstruct lines (made of `TextOp`s) from line lengths.
fn lines(
line_lengths: impl Iterator<Item = usize>,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = &[TextOp<'a>]> {
let mut next_start = 0; |len| {
let start = next_start;
let end = start + len;
next_start = end;

// FIXME(eddyb) is this impl the best way? (maybe it should be a inherent method)
impl<'a> FromInternalIterator<TextOp<'a>> for AAColumn<'a> {
fn from_iter<T>(text_ops: T) -> Self
T: IntoInternalIterator<Item = TextOp<'a>>,
let mut column = AAColumn {
text_ops: vec![],
line_lengths: vec![0],
text_ops.into_internal_iter().for_each(|op| {
if let TextOp::Text("\n") = op {
} else {
// FIXME(eddyb) this *happens* to be true,
// but the `LineOp`/`TextOp` split could be
// improved to avoid such sanity checks.
if let TextOp::Text(text) = op {
*column.line_lengths.last_mut().unwrap() += 1;

impl<'a> AnchorAligner<'a> {
/// Flatten all columns to `TextOp`s (including line separators).
fn merged_columns(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = impl Iterator<Item = TextOp<'a>> + '_> {
.map(|(column_idx, column)| {
let line_lengths = self
.map(move |line| line.per_column_line_lengths[column_idx]);

// HACK(eddyb) trim all trailing empty lines (which is done on
// a `peekable` of the reverse, followed by reversing *again*,
// equivalent to a hypothetical `peekable_back` and no reversing).
let mut rev_line_lengths = line_lengths.rev().peekable();
while rev_line_lengths.peek() == Some(&0) {;
let line_lengths = rev_line_lengths.rev();


/// Merge `new_column` into the current set of columns, aligning as many
/// anchors as possible, between it, and the most recent column.
fn add_column_and_align_anchors(&mut self, new_column: AAColumn<'a>) {
// NOTE(eddyb) "old" and "new" are used to refer to the two columns being
// aligned, but "old" maps to the *merged* lines, not its original ones.

let old_lines = mem::take(&mut self.merged_lines);
let old_anchor_def_to_line_idx = mem::take(&mut self.anchor_def_to_merged_line_idx);

// Index all the anchor definitions in the new column.
let mut new_anchor_def_to_line_idx = FxIndexMap::default();
for (new_line_idx, new_line_text_ops) in new_column
for op in new_line_text_ops {
if let TextOp::PushStyles(styles) = op {
if let Some(anchor) = &styles.anchor {
if styles.anchor_is_def {

// Find all the possible anchor alignments (i.e. anchors defined in both
// "old" and "new") as pairs of line indices in "old" and "new".
// HACK(eddyb) the order is given by the "new" line index, implicitly.
// FIXME(eddyb) fine-tune this inline size.
let common_anchors: SmallVec<[_; 8]> = new_anchor_def_to_line_idx
.filter_map(|(anchor, &new_line_idx)| {
Some((*old_anchor_def_to_line_idx.get(anchor)?, new_line_idx))

// Fast-path: if all the "old" line indices are already in (increasing)
// order (i.e. "monotonic"), they can all be used directly for alignment.
let is_already_monotonic = {
// FIXME(eddyb) should be `.is_sorted_by_key(|&(old_line_idx, _)| old_line_idx)`
// but that slice method is still unstable.|w| w[0].0 <= w[1].0)
let monotonic_common_anchors = if is_already_monotonic {
} else {
// FIXME(eddyb) this could maybe avoid all the unnecessary allocations.
.map(|i| common_anchors[i])

// Allocate space for the merge of "old" and "new".
let mut merged_lines = Vec::with_capacity({
// Cheap conservative estimate, based on the last anchor (i.e. the
// final position of the last anchor is *at least* `min_before_last`).
let &(old_last, new_last) = monotonic_common_anchors.last().unwrap_or(&(0, 0));
let min_before_last = old_last.max(new_last);
let after_last =
(old_lines.len() - old_last).max(new_column.line_lengths.len() - new_last);
(min_before_last + after_last).next_power_of_two()

// Build the merged lines using (partially) lockstep iteration to pull
// the relevant data out of either side, and update "new" line indices.
let mut old_lines = old_lines.into_iter().enumerate().peekable();
let mut new_lines = new_column
let mut monotonic_common_anchors = monotonic_common_anchors.into_iter().peekable();
let mut fixup_new_to_merged = new_anchor_def_to_line_idx.values_mut().peekable();
while old_lines.len() > 0 || new_lines.len() > 0 {
let old_line_idx = old_lines.peek().map(|&(i, _)| i);
let new_line_idx = new_lines.peek().map(|&(i, _)| i);
let mut next_anchor = monotonic_common_anchors.peek().copied();

// Discard anchor alignments that have been used already, and also
// any others that cannot be relevant anymore - this can occur when
// multiple anchors coincide on the same line.
while let Some((anchor_old, anchor_new)) = next_anchor {
let obsolete = old_line_idx.map_or(false, |old| old > anchor_old)
|| new_line_idx.map_or(false, |new| new > anchor_new);
if !obsolete {
next_anchor = monotonic_common_anchors.peek().copied();

// Figure out which side has to wait, to align an upcoming anchor.
let (old_at_anchor, new_at_anchor) =
next_anchor.map_or((false, false), |(anchor_old, anchor_new)| {
old_line_idx.map_or(false, |old| old == anchor_old),
new_line_idx.map_or(false, |new| new == anchor_new),
let old_line = if old_at_anchor && !new_at_anchor {
// Pausing "old", waiting for "new".
} else {|(_, old_line)| old_line)
let new_line_len = if !old_at_anchor && new_at_anchor {
// Pausing "new", waiting for "old".
} else {|(_, new_line_len)| new_line_len)

// When the "new" side is advanced, that "sets" the merged line index
// of the consumed line, which can then be used for fixing up indices.
if new_line_len.is_some() {
let new_line_idx = new_line_idx.unwrap();
let merged_line_idx = merged_lines.len();
while fixup_new_to_merged.peek().map(|i| **i) == Some(new_line_idx) {
* = merged_line_idx;

let new_line_len = new_line_len.unwrap_or(0);
let merged_line = match old_line {
Some(mut line) => {
None => AAMergedLine {
per_column_line_lengths: (0..self.original_columns.len())
.map(|_| 0)

self.merged_lines = merged_lines;
self.anchor_def_to_merged_line_idx = new_anchor_def_to_line_idx;
12 changes: 9 additions & 3 deletions src/print/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -160,7 +160,6 @@ pub struct FragmentPostLayout(Fragment);
impl fmt::Display for FragmentPostLayout {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
let result = self
.filter_map(|op| match op {
TextOp::Text(text) => Some(text),
Expand All @@ -178,11 +177,16 @@ impl fmt::Display for FragmentPostLayout {

impl FragmentPostLayout {
/// Flatten the [`Fragment`] to [`TextOp`]s.
pub(super) fn render_to_text_ops(&self) -> impl InternalIterator<Item = TextOp<'_>> {

/// Flatten the [`Fragment`] to HTML, producing a [`HtmlSnippet`].
// FIXME(eddyb) provide a non-allocating version.
pub fn render_to_html(&self) -> HtmlSnippet {

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,6 +274,7 @@ impl HtmlSnippet {

// FIXME(eddyb) is this impl the best way? (maybe it should be a inherent method)
impl<'a> FromInternalIterator<TextOp<'a>> for HtmlSnippet {
fn from_iter<T>(text_ops: T) -> Self
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -821,7 +826,8 @@ impl Fragment {

/// Text-oriented operation (plain text snippets interleaved with style push/pop).
enum TextOp<'a> {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub(super) enum TextOp<'a> {
PushStyles(&'a Styles),
PopStyles(&'a Styles),

Expand Down

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