Application MERN with gamification-inspired features including a drag and drop interface for Prioritizing with an Agile roadmap.
The app is available here.
The app was built as a final project during Ironhack's Full Stack Developer Bootcamp.
This project is built with:
- react: 17.0.2
- react-dnd-html5-backend: 15.1.2
- react-dom: 17.0.2
- react-router-dom: 5.3.0
- axios: 0.25.0
- bcrypt: 5.0.1
- express: 4.17.2
- mongoose: 6.2.0
- node: 14.17.5
- multer: 1.4.4
- csvtojson: 2.0.10
- Registration & Authentication for Admins
- Admin user Dashboard
- Admin data stored in a MongoDB database
- Projets & Story cards: full CRUD operations
- Story Cards selection for Action
- Generate and Launch Prioritization
- Allow Participants to join open Prioritization
- Enable Participants prioritize with drag and drop interaction
- Collect Prioritization results
$ npm install
Create a .env file containing this line:
$ npm run dev & cd client && npm start
You need to be heroku login
before being able to deploy.
$ git push heroku main