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Triage is a medical software used to aid in patient history collection and sorting

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Welcome to Triage

Getting Started with the App

This guide will help you set up the Triage app development environment. Follow the steps carefully to get your app running.


Ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Node.js (Version v22.x or higher)
  • Expo CLI (You can install this globally using npm install -g expo-cli)

If you do not have these installed, follow the official installation instructions:

Clone the repo

create a directory

mkdir `your-directory-name`
cd `your-directory-name`
git clone ./

Step-by-Step Setup

Step 1: Install Dependencies

Navigate to the project folder and run the following command in your terminal to install all required packages:

npm install

This will install all the necessary dependencies defined in the package.json file.

Step 3: Generate a development build

To run the dev build on your physical device without expo go. Why? Because most react native modules do not work in expo-go

  • Install the latest EAS CLI:
npm install -g eas-cli

we recommend you use npm over yarn for global package installations

  • Log in to your Expo account:
eas login
  • Configure the project:
eas build:configure
  • Run a build Build for Android Emulator/device or iOS Simulator: this works for android
eas build --profile development --platform android

we recommend using android dev builds over ios dev builds

  • Download the aab file: download the aab file from expo dev website and install

Step 3: Start the Development Application

Once the dependencies are installed, use the following command to start the Expo development server:

npx expo --dev-client

This will launch Expo's development tools in your terminal, where you can run the app on an emulator, physical device, or web preview.

Tech Stack Overview

The app leverages the following technologies:

  • React Native: For building cross-platform mobile applications.
  • Expo: For streamlining the development and testing of React Native apps.
  • Node.js: For managing dependencies and running the development server.
  • React Navigation: To handle routing and navigation between screens.
  • AsyncStorage: For persistent local storage in the app.
  • Supabase: For handling storage of public patient data.
  • Akord on Arweave: Akord is an on-chain decentralized permanent storage option, that stores all the patient medical info.
  • google/generative-ai: Used to generate responses for interactive sessions with patient and to generate a summary of the data.
  • Zustand: For effective and effortless state management.

Things to Look Out For

  1. Expo vs React Native: Expo is just a workflow, so most native modules will not run in expo-go. To fix this issue, we advise that you first build the android dev app
  2. Expo CLI: If you encounter issues with Expo not starting or crashes, try updating Expo using:
    npm install -g expo-cli
  3. Metro Bundler Issues: If the Metro bundler fails to start or crashes, try clearing the cache by running:
    expo start --clear
  4. Emulator or Physical Device: Ensure that you have an emulator (iOS/Android) properly set up or your physical device connected with USB debugging enabled.

Environment Configuration

In this project, you’ll need to set up your .env file to manage sensitive data like API keys or configuration settings. Create a .env file at the root of the project and add your environment variables. Here's an example:

EXPO_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_API_KEY="from google gemini studio"
EXPO_PUBLIC_AKORD_API ="from arweave(akord)"

Make sure to include .env in your .gitignore file to prevent it from being committed to version control.

Explanation of the App

The Triage app is designed to help healthcare workers to get patient medical history seemlessly and effortlessly:

  • Have a voice conversation with the patient.
  • Analyze the data from AI to AI models.
  • Sync data with a backend server to ensure persistence across devices and send them on the blockchain for permanent storage, integrity and privacy.


Home Screen Chat Screen Login Screen Login Screen

Common Troubleshooting Tips

  1. Missing or incorrect .env variables: Double-check your environment variables. The app may fail to connect to the API without correct configurations.
  2. Slow Metro Bundler: Restart your terminal or run the npx expo --dev-client --clear command to ensure a fresh build.
  3. Build Errors: Ensure that all dependencies are installed correctly by running npm install again or deleting the node_modules folder and reinstalling.

Additional Resources

Feel free to reach out if you encounter any issues!


Triage is a medical software used to aid in patient history collection and sorting







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