This is a restful API with most of the features of a blog which authors also can follow each other.
- First of all clone the project:
git clone
- Then, we need a virtual environment you can create like this:
virtualenv venv
- Activate it with the command below:
source venv/bin/activate
- After that, you must install all of the packages in
file in project directory:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create a
file in root directory and add your created config:
SECRET_KEY = 'Your secret key generated by'
DEBUG = 'Project debug status'
DB_NAME = 'Database name'
DB_USER = 'Database password'
DB_PASSWORD = 'Database password'
DB_HOST = 'Database host'
DB_PORT = 'Database port'
- After that, migration:
python3 migrate
- That's finished now you can run the project:
python3 runserver
- Celery and celery beat
celery -A apps.task worker -l info --without-gossip --without-mingle --without-heartbeat
celery -A apps.task beat -l info --scheduler django_celery_beat.schedulers:DatabaseScheduler
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Don't forget to update endpoints photo after each change.