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Releases: EnvCLI/docker-rke


06 Jun 00:01
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Release v0.2.4


  • RKE v0.2.x releases enable certificate rotation support. This feature addresses a 1 year expiration on certificates generated by RKE v0.1.x for secure Kubernetes cluster components communication [#450]. To renew the cluster certificates, run the following command:

    ./rke cert rotate --config cluster.yml

Major Bug Fixes since v0.2.3

  • Fixed an issue when restoring etcd snapshot was broken if the snapshot was backed up to S3 [16151]

Known Major Issues

  • RKE will not finish deployment if certain network mounts exist on the target node [#20677]

Kubernetes Versions

Each version of RKE has a specific list of supported Kubernetes versions. If a version is defined in kubernetes_version in the cluster.yml and is not found in this list, then RKE will error out. If you want to use a different version than listed below, you will need to update Kubernetes using the system images option in your cluster.yml.

Kubernetes version
v1.14.1-rancher1-2 (experimental)
v1.13.5-rancher1-3 (default)


05 Jun 06:01
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Release v0.2.3


  • RKE v0.2.x releases enable certificate rotation support. This feature addresses a 1 year expiration on certificates generated by RKE v0.1.x for secure Kubernetes cluster components communication [#450]. To renew the cluster certificates, run the following command:

    ./rke cert rotate --config cluster.yml

Major Bug Fixes since v0.2.2

  • When control plane and etcd are deployed on the same node, put local etcd node ip first in etcd-servers kube-api argument [1368]
  • Fixed an issue when RKE provisioned clusters having k8s version 1.13.x could get broken when one of the etcd nodes goes down. The situation is caused by [Kubernetes upstream issue) , and RKE fix prevents it from happening [20311]
  • Fixed an issue when RKE provisioned clusters could get broken by adding a new control plane node to it due to the certificates not being re-generated properly on the node addition [16151]

Known Major Issues

  • RKE will not finish deployment if certain network mounts exist on the target node [#964]

Kubernetes Versions

Each version of RKE has a specific list of supported Kubernetes versions. If a version is defined in kubernetes_version in the cluster.yml and is not found in this list, then RKE will error out. If you want to use a different version than listed below, you will need to update Kubernetes using the system images option in your cluster.yml.

Kubernetes version
v1.14.1-rancher1-2 (experimental)
v1.13.5-rancher1-3 (default)


16 Apr 00:01
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Release v0.2.2


  • RKE v2.0.x releases enable certificate rotation support. This feature addresses a 1 year expiration on certificates generated by RKE v0.1.x for secure Kubernetes cluster components communication [#450]. To renew the cluster certificates, run the following command:

    ./rke cert rotate --config cluster.yml

Major Bug Fixes since v0.2.1

  • This release comes with Kubernetes v1.14.1 experimental support.

Known Major Issues

  • RKE will not finish deployment if certain network mounts exist on the target node [#964]

Kubernetes Versions

Each version of RKE has a specific list of supported Kubernetes versions. If a version is defined in kubernetes_version in the cluster.yml and is not found in this list, then RKE will error out. If you want to use a different version than listed below, you will need to update Kubernetes using the system images option in your cluster.yml.

Kubernetes version
v1.14.1-rancher1-1 (experimental)
v1.13.5-rancher1-2 (default)


31 Mar 12:01
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Release v0.2.1


  • This release comes with the latest Kubernetes versions - i.e. v1.11.9, v1.12.7, v1.13.5 - for clusters launched by RKE to address Kubernetes CVE-2019-9946 and CVE-2019-1002101. We recommend upgrading your Kubernetes clusters to these versions.

  • RKE v2.0.x releases enable certificate rotation support. This feature addresses a 1 year expiration on certificates generated by RKE v0.1.x for secure Kubernetes cluster components communication [#450]. To renew the cluster certificates, run the following command:

    ./rke cert rotate --config cluster.yml

Major Bug Fixes since v0.2.0

  • This release comes with the latest Kubernetes versions - i.e. v1.11.9, v1.12.7, v1.13.5 - for clusters launched by RKE to address Kubernetes CVE-2019-9946 and CVE-2019-1002101. We recommend upgrading your Kubernetes clusters to these versions.

Known Major Issues

  • RKE will not finish deployment if certain network mounts exist on the target node [#964]

Kubernetes Versions

Each version of RKE has a specific list of supported Kubernetes versions. If a version is defined in kubernetes_version in the cluster.yml and is not found in this list, then RKE will error out. If you want to use a different version than listed below, you will need to update Kubernetes using the system images option in your cluster.yml.

Kubernetes version
v1.13.5-rancher1-2 (default)


22 Mar 06:01
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Release v0.2.0


This release comes with a certificate rotation support. This feature addresses a 1 year expiration on certificates generated by RKE v0.1.x for secure Kubernetes cluster components communication [#450]

To renew the cluster certificates, run the following command:

./rke cert rotate --config cluster.yml

Major Features and Enhancements

  • Added Certificate Rotation support for Kubernetes cluster components [#450]
  • Support for custom certificates that can be used instead of RKE generated ones by Kubernetes cluster components[#1037]
  • Support for creating etcd snapshots to an S3 compatible storage [#616]
  • Support for CoreDNS as an alternative DNS provider [#722]
  • Support for disabling CNI driver on Kubernetes clusters using "network:none" option [#873]
  • Support for SSH Certificate Authentication [#1002]
  • Refactored RKE state management which resulted in major performance improvements [#953], [#981]

Major Bug Fixes since v0.1.17

  • Fixed an issue when Docker version check was ignoring k8s version [#931]
  • Fixed an issue where kubernetes_version option passed in cluster.yml, was ignored [#1049]
  • Fixed an issue where cluster reconcile was attempted even when etcd wasn't healthy [#339]
  • Fixed an issue where timestamps weren't printed correctly for Windows nodes [#601]
  • Fixed an issue when connection to Docker was failing even when the daemon was running fine [#835], [#875]
  • Fixed an issue when systemd-resolvd was conflicting with dind containers, resulting in DNS resolution failures [#915]
  • Fixed an issue when ingress controller with http-port and https-port failed to start [#962]
  • Fixed an issue where running RKE multiple times resulted in lot of orphaned volumes [#1074]
  • Fixed an issue where port check was failing for network plugins [#1102]

Known Major Issues

  • RKE will not finish deployment if certain network mounts exist on the target node [#964]

Kubernetes Versions

Each version of RKE has a specific list of supported Kubernetes versions. If a version is defined in kubernetes_version in the cluster.yml and is not found in this list, then RKE will error out. If you want to use a different version than listed below, you will need to update Kubernetes using the system images option in your cluster.yml.

Kubernetes version
v1.13.4-rancher1-2 (default)


06 Mar 06:01
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Automated release of [v0.1.17]


15 Feb 18:01
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Release v0.1.16


  • Added support for Docker 18.06.x and 18.09.x [#1322]


18 Jan 00:01
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17 Jan 18:01
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17 Jan 12:01
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Security fixes

This RKE release is shipped with updated versions of Kubernetes to address Kubernetes CVE-2018-1002105. The default Kubernetes version is set to Kubernetes v1.11.5. We recommend upgrading your existing Kubernetes clusters to the latest versions.

Known Major Issues

  • RKE will disregard the kubernetes_version value if it is not in the list of supported versions based on this dependency. Note: Each RKE release will have a different list of supported versions. Please upgrade to the latest RKE binaries in order to use the kubernetes_version directive with the latest Kubernetes versions. [1049]

Major Bug Fixes since v0.1.12