Sorry, but because I no longer use Coc.nvim any more, this repository won't be maintained any more. Hope you can find a better glsl language server!
This is a fork from Evanw for support of glslx on coc.nvim
This adds support for the GLSLX shader language to coc.nvim. Features include inline errors, type tooltips, go-to-definition, symbol renaming, and format-on-save. It's open source.
Right now the plugin is already published on npm, so you need to install the plugin with plugin managers or full url from github.
" Take vim-plug as example
" First install coc.nvim
Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim'
" Then install coc-glslx using CocInstall
:CocInstall coc-glslx
" Or use Vim-Plug
" Plug 'Eric-Song-Nop/coc-glslx'
You need to register the file as glslx filetype so that the extension will take effect!
You can use my vim-glslx plugin for syntax hilighting and filetype recongization:
Plug 'Eric-Song-Nop/vim-glslx'
Or if you don't want my plugin, you can type the following in vim command line to register a new filetype:
:set filetype=glslx