This feature adapts the HTML5 core markup structure for use with Server side includes (SSI).
- Helps to minimize the duplication of content and code (such as titles and dates)
- Provides central control of the left and right columns
- Improves consistency by separating content from the template code
- Automates the breadcrumb trail
- Conforms to WCAG 2.0 AA
- Uses WAI-ARIA to enhance accessibility
- Supports Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, and IE 7+
##Minimum Requirements
- Build folder from WET 3.0
- Server Side Includes installed on a web server
- Apache 2.x Web Server
##How to install the files
Make sure that you have the WET 3.0 build folder in your root directory.
Copy the following directories into a folder created in the root:
"inc" is a folder with your global include files
Another "inc" folder for page specific includes is under the demos\ssi folder, as well as a folder for main "menu" based includes. Also,shtm pages are located here.
- demos\ssi
- demos\ssi\inc
- demos\ssi\menu
- demos\ssi\menu-left-gauche