Web service, Web, Desktop and mobile clients for a school project
Endpoints | HTTP verbs | Examples |
/login | POST | form: grant_type: password, username: correo, password: myPassword |
/login/recover | POST | {mailTo: correo} |
/api/users | POST/GET | {nombre, apellido, correo, rfc, rol} |
/api/users? | GET | rol=rol or nombre=nombre&apellido=apellido |
/api/users/{id} | GET/PUT/DELETE | {nombre, apellido, correo, rfc, rol, password} |
/api/barcos | POST/GET | {nombre, descripcion, usuarioId} |
/api/barcos? | GET | nombre=nombre |
/api/barcos/{id} | GET/PUT/DELETE | {nombre, descripcion, usuarioId} |
/api/cargas | POST/GET | {cantidad, especie, talla, temperatura, condicion, barcoId} |
/api/cargas/{id} | GET/PUT/DELETE | {cantidad, especie, talla, temperatura, condicion, barcoId} |
/api/entradas | POST/GET | {usuarioId, cargasId:[]} |
/api/entradas? | GET | fechaInicio=yyyy/mm/dd&fechaFin=yyyy/mm/dd or folio=folio |
/api/entradas/{id} | GET/PUT/DELETE | {cargasId:[]} |
after Login you will recieve a response like this :
"access_token": "3Ze_IidQ6V4W6r6tU573qLtdUQNL58mKduW6umivfypfImTPg-HxrgvqvFGGRhyfg5hP0JV-L2D3Y9Sh7iGjMex-ROBHMC0XoL_9IBjtQqt1SDyW9B31Xn_LEITH-V7ddHVcfSMhcNCp_sk4-HGBL82zf_AaHJpNzOlCKAJZ77p0V4AZZ1YT7foMn5hnLWiXKWWYYWz-3Y66xuFLNnvARa1zSKy0zHXtwT089JkooI3cbJqf5n2SLFd9Y6StMg7r0cPI3QvFt3tkawqGz2DMsKSB_HW2najo88ahPHH6GX74fpTxwixGBMiqZpOSHqqMYqbuXC_7rs5GcZVcMzi2THpM6UYWCYjKfHsmb1VtxL-n0UeokvqjUFIYcJQ-v3fLZdPsB8dyLzDWnnOnQjRedA",
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 86399,
"userName": "correo@example.com",
"rol": "Admin",
"userId": "1",
"nombre": "Ernesto",
"apellido": "Salazar",
".issued": "Fri, 24 Nov 2017 22:24:27 GMT",
".expires": "Sat, 25 Nov 2017 22:24:27 GMT"
in case of a failed login you will receive a status code of 400 and a json with error description otherwise you will need to keep the access_token, this one needs to be sended on the header of every request made to /api/* with the key/value:
Authorization : bearer access_token
When creating any new entity you will get a status code of 201 and a json response with inserted data
When retrieving any entity you will get a status code of 200 and json response or an array of jsons if retrieving a list of entities
When updating any entity you will get a status code of 204
When deleting any entity you will get a status code of 204
- When retrieving any entity or list of entities that does not exist you will get a status of 404
- When login fail you will get a status code of 400 and a json response with error description
When creating a new user, a password will be created automatically by the server and will be send via emailWhen retrieving a single usuario you will recieve the following data
"id": 1,
"nombre": "Ernesto",
"apellido": "Salazar",
"rfc": "sdsdfsd",
"correo": "correo@example.com",
"rol": "Admin"
When retrieving multiple usuarios you will recieve the following data
"id": 1,
"nombre": "Ernesto",
"apellido": "Salazar",
"rfc": "sdsdfsd",
"correo": "correo@example.com",
"rol": "Admin"
When making a GET call to /api/users?nombre=example&apellido=example you will recieve the following data that matches the user nombre and apellido
"id": 32,
"nombre": "Ernesto",
"apellido": "Salazar",
"rfc": "sdsdfsd",
"correo": "ernestoalbertosalazar@gmail.com",
"rol": "Admin"
When making a GET call to /api/users?rol=example you will recieve the following data that matches the user role
"id": 35,
"nombre": "Isael",
"apellido": "Atondo",
"rfc": "isael",
"correo": "isaelatondo@gmail.com",
"rol": "Pescador"
Accepted values for the following properties are:
- Rol: Administrador, Supervisor, Pescador
When retrieving a single barco you will recieve the following data
"id": 1,
"nombre": "barco 1",
"descripcion": "BARCO_CAMARONERO",
"usuarioId": 1,
"usuario": {
"id": 1,
"nombre": "Ernesto",
"apellido": "Salazar",
"rfc": "sdsdfsd",
"correo": "correo@example.com",
"rol": "Admin",
When retrieving multiple barcos you will recieve the following data
"id": 1,
"nombre": "barco 1",
"descripcion": "BARCO_CAMARONERO",
"usuarioId": 1,
"usuario": {
"id": 1,
"nombre": "Ernesto",
"apellido": "Salazar",
"rfc": "sdsdfsd",
"correo": "correo@example.com",
"rol": "Admin"
When retrieving a single carga you will recieve the following data
"id": 1,
"cantidad": 150,
"especie": "Japonesa",
"talla": "m",
"temperatura": 99.5,
"condicion": "Regular",
"barcoId": 1,
"barco": {
"id": 1,
"nombre": "barco 1",
"descripcion": "BARCO_CAMARONERO",
"usuarioId": 1,
"usuario": null
"entradaId": 1
When retrieving multiple cargas you will recieve the following data
"id": 1,
"cantidad": 150,
"especie": "Japonesa",
"talla": "m",
"temperatura": 99.5,
"condicion": "Regular",
"barcoId": 1,
"barco": {
"id": 1,
"nombre": "barco 1",
"descripcion": "BARCO_CAMARONERO",
"usuarioId": 1,
"usuario": {
"id": 1,
"nombre": "Ernesto",
"apellido": "Salazar",
"rfc": "sdsdfsd",
"correo": "correo@example.com",
"rol": "Admin"
"entradaId": 1
Accepted values for the following properties are:
- Especie: Macarela, Japonesa, Monterrey, Rayadillo, Bocona, Anchoveta, Crinuda
- Talla: S, M, L, XL
- Condicion: Mala, Regular, Buena
When retrieving a single entrada you will recieve the following data
"id": 1,
"folio": "20171124_153209",
"fecha": "2017-11-24T00:00:00",
"hora": "15:32:00",
"turno": "Vespertino",
"usuarioId": 1,
"usuario": {
"id": 1,
"nombre": "Ernesto",
"apellido": "Salazar",
"rfc": "sdsdfsd",
"correo": "correo@example.com",
"rol": "Admin"
"cargas": [
"id": 1,
"cantidad": 150,
"especie": "Japonesa",
"talla": "m",
"temperatura": 99.5,
"condicion": "Regular",
"barcoId": 1,
"barco": null,
"entradaId": 1
"totalMacarela": 0,
"totalJaponesa": 150,
"totalMonterrey": 0,
"totalRayadillo": 0,
"totalBocona": 0,
"totalAnchoveta": 0,
"totalCrinuda": 0,
"porcentajeMacarela": 0,
"porcentajeJaponesa": 100,
"porcentajeMonterrey": 0,
"porcentajeRayadillo": 0,
"porcentajeBocona": 0,
"porcentajeAnchoveta": 0,
"porcentajeCrinuda": 0,
"totales": 150
When retrieving multiple entradas you will recieve the following data
"id": 1,
"folio": "20171124_153209",
"fecha": "2017-11-24T00:00:00",
"hora": "15:32:00",
"turno": "Vespertino",
"usuarioId": 1,
"usuario": {
"id": 1,
"nombre": "Ernesto",
"apellido": "Salazar",
"rfc": "sdsdfsd",
"correo": "correo@example.com",
"rol": "Admin"
"cargas": [
"id": 1,
"cantidad": 150,
"especie": "Japonesa",
"talla": "m",
"temperatura": 99.5,
"condicion": "Regular",
"barcoId": 1,
"barco": null,
"entradaId": 1
Accepted values for the following properties are:
- Turno: Matutino, Vespertino
When searching an entrada by a date you will receive a json array with the following data that matches with those dates parameters[
"id": 1,
"folio": "20171124_153209",
"fecha": "2017-11-24T00:00:00",
"hora": "15:32:00",
"turno": "Vespertino",
"usuarioId": 1,
"usuario": {
"id": 1,
"nombre": "Ernesto",
"apellido": "Salazar",
"rfc": "sdsdfsd",
"correo": "correo@example.com",
"rol": "Admin"
"cargas": [
"id": 1,
"cantidad": 150,
"especie": "Japonesa",
"talla": "m",
"temperatura": 99.5,
"condicion": "Regular",
"barcoId": 1,
"barco": null,
"entradaId": 1