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A vim toolkit focused on gvim, IPython, and the terminal.


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VimTk - The (mostly) Python (g)Vim toolkit

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The tools in this package focus on, but are not exclusive to Python development with gVim. This is both a Vim plugin and a pip installable Python module.


We suggest using vim-plug to manage plugins. Install vim plug like this:

# Install vim-plug into your autoload directory
" See:
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs

We suggest the following vimrc as a template:


call plug#begin('~/.vim/bundle')

Plug 'Erotemic/vimtk'

call plug#end()            " required

filetype plugin indent on
syntax on

"""" The above code should be among the first things in your vimrc

" Map your leader key to comma (much easier to hit)
let mapleader = ","
let maplocalleader = ","
noremap \ ,

" Make default vimtk remaps
:call VimTK_default_remap()

" Register files you use all the time with quickopen
" (use <leader>i<char> as a shortcut to specific files
call vimtk#quickopen(',', '~/.vimrc')
call vimtk#quickopen('5', '~/.bashrc')

This module defines many helper functions, but does not bind them to keys by default unless VimTK_default_remap is called. The default bindings are as follows:

noremap <leader>H :call vimtk#helloworld()<Esc>

noremap  <leader>a :call vimtk#execute_text_in_terminal(mode())<CR>
vnoremap <leader>a :call vimtk#execute_text_in_terminal(visualmode())<CR>
noremap  <leader>m :call vimtk#execute_text_in_terminal('word')<CR>

noremap <leader>C :call vimtk#copy_current_fpath()<Esc>
noremap <leader>M :call vimtk#ipython_import_all()<CR>

command! AutoImport call vimtk#insert_auto_import()
noremap <leader>pv :call vimtk#insert_print_var_at_cursor()<CR>
noremap  <c-M-B> :call vimtk#insert_timerit(mode())<CR><Esc>
vnoremap <c-M-B> :call vimtk#insert_timerit(visualmode())<CR><Esc>

noremap <leader>es :call vimtk#smart_search_word_at_cursor()<CR>
noremap <leader>go :call vimtk#open_path_at_cursor("e")<CR>
noremap <leader>gf :call vimtk#open_path_at_cursor("e")<CR>
noremap <leader>gi :call vimtk#open_path_at_cursor("split")<CR>
noremap <leader>gv :call vimtk#open_path_at_cursor("vsplit")<CR>
noremap <leader>gv :call vimtk#open_path_at_cursor("vsplit")<CR>
noremap <leader>gt :call vimtk#open_path_at_cursor("tabe")<CR>
noremap gi :call vimtk#open_path_at_cursor("split")<CR>

" Doctest editing
vnoremap gd :call vimtk#py_format_doctest()<CR>
vnoremap gu :call vimtk#py_unformat_doctest()<CR>

Obviously you can modify the exact key bindings however you would like.

Here is what some of these functions do:

  • vimtk#execute_text_in_terminal - copies the current word, line, or visual selection and executes it in your most recently used terminal (perhaps running IPython or bash) without needing to alt-tab or copy paste. Default binding is <leader>a for the current line or visual selection and <leader>m for a word.
  • vimtk#ipython_import_all - if you are in a python module, this funciton creates a few lines of code that will import everything in this module into the current namespace. Note, it detects if you need to modify your pythonpath and does that. It also completely disregards __all__. These lines are then executed in your terminal (which should probably be an IPython session). Default binding is <leader>M.
  • vimtk#copy_current_fpath - Copies the path to the current file into the clipboard. On non-windows the home drive is replaced with ~. Default binding is <leader>C.
  • vimtk#auto_import - Automatically inserts missing Python imports.
  • vimtk#insert_print_var_at_cursor - Insert a print statement around the current variable your cursor is on (supports python, bash, cmake, and C++) Default binding is <leader>pv for a repr representation and <leader>ps for a ubelt repr2 representation.
  • vimtk#insert_timerit - Make a stub timerit and insert it at the current position
  • vimtk#open_path_at_cursor - Open a file path or web url at your cursor.
  • vimtk#quickopen(char, fpath) - Use <leader>[tvio]` to open predefined files / directories
  • vimtk#py_format_doctest - Default binding to <visual-select> gd. Inserts the doctest >>> prefix before the visually selected code.
  • vimtk#py_unformat_doctest - Default binding to <visual-select> gu. Removes the doctest >>> prefix before the visually selected code.

Alternate VIMRC

Note to get all the features, you need the following packages:

# The <leader>a ability requires xdotool and wmctrl on linux systems
sudo apt install xdotool wmctrl ctags

# vimtk requires ubelt in whichever environment it is running
pip install ubelt --user

# There are also third party python packages needed for some functions
pip install pyperclip pyflakes xinspect psutil --user

# On windows you should also install pywinauto
pip install pywinauto --user

Note: there have been some issues regarding which Python environment these pacakges are installed to and which Python environment is used by Vim. We are working to resolve these issues. Bug reports and patches are welcome!

" VimTK Recommended VimRC:
" References:

" # Automatically install vim-plug into your autoload directory
" " See:
if empty(glob('~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim'))
  " Automatic installation if vim plug does not exist
  silent !curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs
  autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall --sync | source $MYVIMRC

" Enable normal windows hotkeys like: ctrl+c, ctrl+v, ctrl+a, etc...
source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
behave mswin

set nocompatible
filetype off
"source $VIMRUNTIME/mswin.vim
"behave mswin
set encoding=utf8

call plug#begin('~/.vim/bundle')
Plug 'sjl/badwolf'
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter'
Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
Plug 'vim-syntastic/syntastic'
Plug 'majutsushi/tagbar'
Plug 'ervandew/supertab'
Plug 'Erotemic/vimtk'
call plug#end()            " required

filetype plugin indent on
syntax on

"""" The above code should be among the first things in your vimrc

scriptencoding utf-8
set encoding=utf-8

" References:
" ---- Minimal configuration:
set smartindent   " Do smart autoindenting when starting a new line
set shiftwidth=4  " Set number of spaces per auto indentation
set expandtab     " When using <Tab>, put spaces instead of a <tab> character

" ---- Good to have for consistency
set tabstop=4   " Number of spaces that a <Tab> in the file counts for
set smarttab    " At <Tab> at beginning line inserts spaces set in shiftwidth

" Highlight search regexes
set incsearch
set hlsearch

" Disable swap files, which prevents annoying messages when you open the
" same file twice
set noswapfile

" Use a colorscheme (murphy is builtin, but I like badwolf)
colorscheme badwolf
"colorscheme murphy

" Map your leader key to comma (much easier to hit)
let mapleader = ","
let maplocalleader = ","
noremap \ ,

" Search and replace under cursor
noremap <leader>ss :%s/\<<C-r><C-w>\>/
"Surround word with quotes
noremap <leader>qw ciw'<C-r>"'<Esc>
noremap <leader>qc ciw`<C-r>"`<Esc>

" Reload your vimrc
noremap <leader>R :source ~/.vimrc<CR>

" Window navication
" Alt + jklh
map <silent><A-j> <c-w>j
map <silent><A-k> <c-w>k
map <silent><A-l> <c-w>l
map <silent><A-h> <c-w>h
" Control + jklh
map <c-j> <c-w>j
map <c-k> <c-w>k
map <c-l> <c-w>l
" Move in split windows
" Press leader twice to move between windows
noremap <leader>, <C-w>w
map <c-h> <c-w>h

" Fast nerd tree access
noremap <C-T> :NERDTree<CR>
noremap <leader>. :NERDTree<CR>
noremap <leader>h :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
"noremap <leader>h :Tlist<CR>
noremap <leader>j :Tagbar<CR>

"set autochdir
" better version of autochdir that changes cwd to be at the current file
autocmd BufEnter * silent! lcd %:p:h

" Note: to use vimtk I think we need to have ubelt installed
" or get some sort of install-hook pip install command to happen
" We can hack around this by explicitly sourcing the vimtk plugin
source $HOME/.vim/bundle/vimtk/plugin/vimtk.vim

" Make default vimtk remaps.
:call VimTK_default_remap()

" Swap colon and semicolon
:call vimtk#swap_keys(':', ';')

" Register files you use all the time with quickopen
" (use <leader>i<char> as a shortcut to specific files
:call vimtk#quickopen(',', '~/.vimrc')
:call vimtk#quickopen('5', '~/.bashrc')

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