go install -v github.com/EscanBE/house-keeper/cmd/hkd@latest
hkd files list --help
hkd files list --working-directory '/tmp' --order-by date --contains '0' --skip 1
hkd files list --working-directory '/tmp/backup-db' --order-by name --desc --contains '.dump' --skip 3 --silent --delete
hkd files rsync --help
RSYNC_PASSWORD=1234567 hkd files rsync /var/log/nginx/access.log backup@ --local-to-remote
hkd files rsync /var/log/nginx/access.log backup@ --local-to-remote --password-file ~/password.txt
SSHPASS=1234567 hkd files rsync /var/log/nginx/access.log backup-server:/mnt/md0/backup/nginx-logs --local-to-remote --passphrase
- This use rsync
- When either source or destination is remote machine:
- Either environment variable RSYNC_PASSWORD or ENV_SSHPASS or flag --password-file is required (priority flag)
- Environment variables RSYNC_PASSWORD and ENV_SSHPASS are treated similar thus either needed. If both provided, must be identical
- You must connect to that remote server at least one time before to perform host key verification (one time action) because the transfer will be performed via ssh.
hkd files checksum --help
hkd files checksum /tmp/test.txt
hkd files checksum /tmp/file_1.txt /tmp/file_2.log /tmp/file_3.docx
hkd files checksum /docs/file_8.txt /logs/file_9.log --cache-and-trust # This will generate
to save checksum output and prevent future checksum when--cache-and-trust
provided again
ls -1 | hkd files checksum [--exclude-dirs]
hkd db pg_dump --help
PGPASSWORD=1234567 hkd db pg_dump --working-directory /mnt/md0/backup --dbname my_db_name --username my_user_name
hkd db pg_dump --working-directory /mnt/md0/backup --output-file db-2023-01-02.dump --host localhost --port 5432 --dbname postgres --username postgres --schema public --password-file ~/password.txt
- Either environment variable PGPASSWORD or flag --password-file is required (priority flag)
- Rely on pg_dump command to perform backup action for PostgreSQL, it actually set environment variable PGPASSWORD and then call pg_dump
hkd db pg_restore --help
PGPASSWORD=1234567 hkd db pg_restore db-2023-01-02.dump --superuser postgres --dbname example
hkd db pg_restore db-2023-01-02.dump --host localhost --port 5432 --dbname example --username postgres --superuser postgres --password-file ~/password.txt
- Either environment variable PGPASSWORD or flag --password-file is required (priority flag)
- Rely on pg_restore command to perform backup action for PostgreSQL, it actually set environment variable PGPASSWORD and then call pg_restore
hkd config ssh --tsv-input input.tsv --output-file ~/.ssh/hkd_generated_ssh_config --key-root ~/.ssh/id_root --key-user ~/.ssh/id_non_root_users_1 --key-per-user special_user,/home/ubuntu/.ssh/id_special_user
House-keeper defined a set of command aliases to help your life easier
- Listing supported alias by:
hkd a
- Invoke alias execution by:
hkd a [alias]
Defined your own aliases by create a TSV ~/.hkd_alias
hkd download --help
hkd download https://escan.live/images/logo-light.svg --concurrent 4 --output-file logo.svg --working-directory ~/Downloads
- Priority download tools: aria2c > wget > curl
- The flag
is only used when aria2c is used as download tool - Default concurrent download is 4 for speed up download process
hkd verify-tools
hkd update [optional version]