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Tools for zkRollups to integrate with Espresso.

When a zk-rollup integrates with a shared finality gadget, it will receive streams of finalized blocks containing transactions from all participating rollups. As part of (batched) state update on L1, provers for a zk-rollup periodically submit a validity proof attesting to the correctness of a new rollup state. A rollup state corresponds to a specific finalized block. Solely proving valid state transition on the rollup VM against a list of transactions from the block (a.k.a "VM proof") is insufficient. With a decentralized finality gadget, the validity proof needs to encapsulate a proof of consensus on the new finalized block commitment (a.k.a "(consensus) light client proof"). With a shared finality gadget, the proof needs to further encapsulate correct "filtering of rollup-specific transactions" from the overall block (a.k.a. "derivation proof"). This repo provides circuits for the derivation proof and the consistency among the three (sub-)proofs.1


Espresso uses a non-executing consensus, thus the consensus state doesn't embed post-execution rollup states: the consensus nodes only agree on the committed block payload (thus the total ordering among txs) and its availability. The validity of updated rollup/VM states, after executing those newly committed txs, is left to the rollup prover (aka batcher).

Terminology wise:

  • a block is abstractly referring to a list of new txs/state transitions; concretely manifests as:
    • BlockPayload: the actual payload that contains the raw tx data
      • instead of full block replication at each node, we use Verifiable Information Dispersal (VID) schemes where each replica stores a chunk.
        • our concrete instantiation of VID relies on KZG polynomial commitment, thus requires structured reference string (SRS) from a trusted setup
      • all replicas unequivocally refer to the payload by a PayloadCommitment, a cryptographic commitment to the entire payload sent to every replica alongside their designated chunk
    • BlockHeader: the summarized new consensus state and chain metadata (for consensus nodes)
      • BlockCommitment: a short cryptographic commitment to the BlockHeader
      • BlockMerkleCommitment: the root of BlockMerkleTree that accumulates all block commitments up to the current BlockHeight, enabling efficient historical block header lookup via BlockMerkleTreeProof
      • PayloadCommitment is a part of BlockHeader
      • NsTable described below is a part of BlockHeader
  • each rollup occupies a namespace (distinguished by a unique namespace ID) in a block
    • NsTable is the compact encoding of a namespace table mapping namespace id to their range in BlockPayload
    • NsProof is a namespace proof, attesting that some subset of bytes is the complete range of data designated to a particular namespace in a BlockPayload identified by its PayloadCommitment given a NsTable
  • a light client is an agent that can verify the latest finalized consensus state without running a full node
    • an off-chain light client usually receive the block header and the quorum certificate (QC)
    • an on-chain light client stores a pruned LightClientState, a strict subset of fields in BlockHeader, verified through light client proof (the simplest form is using the QC from consensus, but we use a more EVM and SNARK-friendly light client protocol).

Circuit Spec

Generally speaking, we are proving that a list of rollup's transactions are correctly derived from finalized Espresso blocks.

Public Inputs

  • rollup_txs_commit: [u8; 32]: commitment to the transactions designated to the rollup ns_id, also one of the public inputs from the VM execution proof
    • the concrete commitment scheme depends on the VM prover design, we use Sha256(rollup_txs) in the demo
  • ns_id: u32: namespace ID of this rollup
  • bmt_commitment: BlockMerkleCommitment: root of the newest Espresso block commitment tree, accumulated all historical Espresso block commitments
  • vid_pp_hash: [u8; 32]: Sha256 of VidPublicParam for the VID scheme

Private Inputs

  • rollup_txs: Vec<u8>: the byte representation of all transactions specific to rollup with ns_id filtered from a batch of Espresso blocks
  • vid_param: VidParam: public parameter for Espresso's VID scheme
  • block_derivation_proofs: Vec<(Range, BlockDerivationProof)>: a list of (range, proof) pairs, one for each block, where proof proves that rollup_txs[range] is the complete subset of namespace-specific transactions filtered from the Espresso block. Each BlockDerivationProof contains the following:
    • block_header: BlockHeader: block header of the original Espresso block containing the block height, the namespace table ns_table, and a commitment payload_commitment to the entire Espresso block payload (which contains transactions from all rollups)
    • bmt_proof: BlockMerkleTreeProof: a proof that the given block is in the block Merkle tree committed by bmt_commitment
    • vid_common: VidCommon: auxiliary information for the namespace proof ns_proof verification during which its consistency against payload_commitment is checked
    • ns_proof: NsProof: a namespace proof that proves some subslice of bytes (i.e. rollup_txs[range]) is the complete subset for the namespace ns_id from the overall Espresso block payload committed in block_header


  1. Recompute the payload commitment using the "VM execution prover" way: rollup_txs_commit == Sha256(rollup_txs)
  • note: by marking this as a public input, the verifier can cross-check it with the public inputs from the "vm proof", thus ensuring the same batch of transactions is used in rollup_txs here and in the generation of the "vm proof"
  1. Correct derivations for the namespace/rollup from committed Espresso blocks
    • First the ranges in block_derivation_proofs should be non-overlapping and cover the whole payload, i.e. range[i].end == range[i+1].start && range[i].start == 0 && range[-1].end == rollup_txs.len().
    • For each BlockDerivationProof, we check
      • the block_header is in the block Merkle tree, by checking the proof bmt_proof against the block Merkle tree commitment bmt_commitment
      • Namespace ID ns_id of this rollup is contained in the namespace table block_header.ns_table, and given the specified range in the Espresso block and a namespace proof NsProof, checks whether the slice of rollup's transactions rollup_txs matches the specified slice in the Espresso block payload committed by block_header.payload_commitment

Read our doc for a more detailed description; read our blog on Derivation Pipeline for rollup integration.

Getting Started

To enter the development shell: nix develop


SP1 stack

To build the ELF executable for your program and generate the proof, you will have to run outside the nix dev-shell. For contract developments, you can enter nix shell to use necessary tools.

# this will first rebuild the program to elf, then generate plonky3 proof and verify it
just sp1-prove

# this will generate a proof for solidity, and creates fixture for contract verifier
just sp1-prove --evm


  1. Circuits for VM proof are usually offered by zk-rollup project themselves (e.g. Polygon's CDK, Scroll's zkEVM); circuit (written using jellyfish's constraint system) for Espresso's light client proof can be found here.


Tools for zkRollups to integrate with Espresso







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