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ProSnippets Framework

UmaHarano edited this page May 6, 2024 · 22 revisions
Language:              C#  
Subject:               Framework  
Contributor:           ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <>  
Organization:          esri,  
Date:                  4/22/2024  
ArcGIS Pro:            3.3  
Visual Studio:         2022  
.NET Target Framework: .Net 6  

How to subscribe and unsubscribe to events when the dockpane is visible or hidden

private SubscriptionToken _eventToken = null;
// Called when the visibility of the DockPane changes.
protected override void OnShow(bool isVisible)
  if (isVisible && _eventToken == null) //Subscribe to event when dockpane is visible
    _eventToken = MapSelectionChangedEvent.Subscribe(OnMapSelectionChangedEvent);

  if (!isVisible && _eventToken != null) //Unsubscribe as the dockpane closes.
    _eventToken = null;
//Event handler when the MapSelection event is triggered.
private void OnMapSelectionChangedEvent(MapSelectionChangedEventArgs obj)
  MessageBox.Show("Selection has changed");

Execute a command

IPlugInWrapper wrapper = FrameworkApplication.GetPlugInWrapper("esri_editing_ShowAttributes");
var command = wrapper as ICommand; // tool and command(Button) supports this

if ((command != null) && command.CanExecute(null))

Set the current tool

// use SetCurrentToolAsync

// or use ICommand.Execute
ICommand cmd = FrameworkApplication.GetPlugInWrapper("esri_mapping_selectByRectangleTool") as ICommand;
if ((cmd != null) && cmd.CanExecute(null))

Activate a tab


Activate/Deactivate a state - to modify a condition

// Define the condition in the DAML file based on the state 
if (activate)

Determine if the application is busy

// The application is considered busy if a task is currently running on the main worker thread or any 
// pane or dock pane reports that it is busy or intiializing.   

// Many Pro styles (such as Esri_SimpleButton) ensure that a button is disabled when FrameworkApplication.IsBusy is true
// You would use this property to bind to the IsEnabled property of a control (such as a listbox) on a dockpane or pane in order
// to disable it from user interaction while the application is busy. 
bool isbusy = FrameworkApplication.IsBusy;

Get the Application main window

System.Windows.Window window = FrameworkApplication.Current.MainWindow;

// center it
Rect rect = System.Windows.SystemParameters.WorkArea;
FrameworkApplication.Current.MainWindow.Left = rect.Left + (rect.Width - FrameworkApplication.Current.MainWindow.ActualWidth) / 2;
FrameworkApplication.Current.MainWindow.Top = rect.Top + (rect.Height - FrameworkApplication.Current.MainWindow.ActualHeight) / 2;

Close ArcGIS Pro


Get ArcGIS Pro version

//"GetEntryAssembly" should be ArcGISPro.exe 
string version = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly()

Close a specific pane

string _viewPaneID = "my pane"; //DAML ID of your pane
                                //You could have multiple instances (InstanceIDs) of your pane. 
                                //So you can iterate through the Panes to get "your" panes only
IList<uint> myPaneInstanceIDs = new List<uint>();
foreach (Pane pane in FrameworkApplication.Panes)
  if (pane.ContentID == _viewPaneID)
    myPaneInstanceIDs.Add(pane.InstanceID); //InstanceID of your pane, could be multiple, so build the collection                    
foreach (var instanceID in myPaneInstanceIDs) //close each of "your" panes.

Activate a pane

var mapPanes = ProApp.Panes.OfType<IMapPane>();
foreach (Pane pane in mapPanes)
  if (pane.Caption == "MyMap")

ProWindow Position on Screen

ProWindow1 _prowindow1 = null;
  double left = 150; //Window's left edge, in relation to the desktop
  double top = 150; //Window's top edge, in relation to the desktop
  //already open?
  if (_prowindow1 != null)
  _prowindow1 = new ProWindow1(left, top); //create window
  _prowindow1.Owner = FrameworkApplication.Current.MainWindow;
  _prowindow1.Closed += (o, e) => { _prowindow1 = null; };

  //MetroWindows remember their last location unless SaveWindowPosition is set to
  _prowindow1.SaveWindowPosition = false; //set to false to override the last position

  //uncomment for modal

Get Information on the Currently Installed Add-ins

var addin_infos = FrameworkApplication.GetAddInInfos();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

foreach (var info in addin_infos)
  if (info == null)
    break;//no addins probed

  sb.AppendLine($"Addin: {info.Name}");
  sb.AppendLine($"Description {info.Description}");
  sb.AppendLine($"ImagePath {info.ImagePath}");
  sb.AppendLine($"Author {info.Author}");
  sb.AppendLine($"Company {info.Company}");
  sb.AppendLine($"Date {info.Date}");
  sb.AppendLine($"Version {info.Version}");
  sb.AppendLine($"FullPath {info.FullPath}");
  sb.AppendLine($"DigitalSignature {info.DigitalSignature}");
  sb.AppendLine($"IsCompatible {info.IsCompatible}");
  sb.AppendLine($"IsDeleted {info.IsDeleted}");
  sb.AppendLine($"TargetVersion {info.TargetVersion}");
  sb.AppendLine($"ErrorMsg {info.ErrorMsg}");
  sb.AppendLine($"ID {info.ID}");
MessageBox.Show(sb.ToString(), "Addin Infos");

Find a dockpane

// in order to find a dockpane you need to know it's DAML id
var pane = FrameworkApplication.DockPaneManager.Find("esri_core_ProjectDockPane");

Dockpane properties and methods

// in order to find a dockpane you need to know it's DAML id
var pane = FrameworkApplication.DockPaneManager.Find("esri_core_ProjectDockPane");

// determine visibility
bool visible = pane.IsVisible;

// activate it

// determine dockpane state
DockPaneState state = pane.DockState;

// pin it

// hide it

Dockpane undo / redo

// in order to find a dockpane you need to know it's DAML id
var pane = FrameworkApplication.DockPaneManager.Find("esri_core_contentsDockPane");

// get the undo stack
OperationManager manager = pane.OperationManager;
if (manager != null)
  // undo an operation
  if (manager.CanUndo)
    await manager.UndoAsync();

  // redo an operation
  if (manager.CanRedo)
    await manager.RedoAsync();

  // clear the undo and redo stack of operations of a particular category
  manager.ClearUndoCategory("Some category");
  manager.ClearRedoCategory("Some category");

Find a dockpane and obtain its ViewModel

// in order to find a dockpane you need to know it's DAML id.  

// Here is a DAML example with a dockpane defined. Once you have found the dockpane you can cast it
// to the dockpane viewModel which is defined by the className attribute. 
//  <dockPane id="MySample_Dockpane" caption="Dockpane 1" className="Dockpane1ViewModel" dock="bottom" height="5">
//    <content className="Dockpane1View" />
//  </dockPane>

Dockpane1ViewModel vm = FrameworkApplication.DockPaneManager.Find("MySample_Dockpane") as Dockpane1ViewModel;

Open the Backstage tab

//Opens the Backstage to the "About ArcGIS Pro" tab.

Access the current theme

//Gets the application's theme
var theme = FrameworkApplication.ApplicationTheme;
//ApplicationTheme enumeration
if (FrameworkApplication.ApplicationTheme == ApplicationTheme.Dark)
  //Dark theme

if (FrameworkApplication.ApplicationTheme == ApplicationTheme.HighContrast)
  //High Contrast
if (FrameworkApplication.ApplicationTheme == ApplicationTheme.Default)
  //Light/Default theme

Display a Pro MessageBox

ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs.MessageBox.Show("Some Message", "Some title", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Information, MessageBoxResult.Yes);

Add a toast notification

Notification notification = new Notification();
notification.Title = FrameworkApplication.Title;
notification.Message = "Notification 1";
notification.ImageSource = System.Windows.Application.Current.Resources["ToastLicensing32"] as ImageSource;


Change a buttons caption or image

private void ChangeCaptionImage()
  IPlugInWrapper wrapper = FrameworkApplication.GetPlugInWrapper("MyAddin_MyCustomButton");
  if (wrapper != null)
    wrapper.Caption = "new caption";

    // ensure that T-Rex16 and T-Rex32 are included in your add-in under the images folder and have 
    // BuildAction = Resource and Copy to OutputDirectory = Do not copy
    wrapper.SmallImage = BuildImage("T-Rex16.png");
    wrapper.LargeImage = BuildImage("T-Rex32.png");

private ImageSource BuildImage(string imageName)
  return new BitmapImage(PackUriForResource(imageName));

private Uri PackUriForResource(string resourceName)
  string asm = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(
  return new Uri(string.Format("pack://application:,,,/{0};component/Images/{1}", asm, resourceName), UriKind.Absolute);

Get a button's tooltip heading

//Pass in the daml id of your button. Or pass in any Pro button ID.
IPlugInWrapper wrapper = FrameworkApplication.GetPlugInWrapper("button_id_from daml");
var buttonTooltipHeading = wrapper.TooltipHeading;

Subscribe to Active Tool Changed Event

private void SubscribeEvent()
private void UnSubscribeEvent()
private void OnActiveToolChanged(ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Events.ToolEventArgs args)
  string prevTool = args.PreviousID;
  string newTool = args.CurrentID;

Progressor - Simple and non-cancelable

public async Task Progressor_NonCancelable()
  ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.ProgressorSource ps = new ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.ProgressorSource("Doing my thing...", false);

  int numSecondsDelay = 5;
  //If you run this in the DEBUGGER you will NOT see the dialog
  await ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() => Task.Delay(numSecondsDelay * 1000).Wait(), ps.Progressor);

Progressor - Cancelable

public async Task Progressor_Cancelable()
  ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.CancelableProgressorSource cps =
    new ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.CancelableProgressorSource("Doing my thing - cancelable", "Canceled");

  int numSecondsDelay = 5;
  //If you run this in the DEBUGGER you will NOT see the dialog

  //simulate doing some work which can be canceled
  await ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() =>
    cps.Progressor.Max = (uint)numSecondsDelay;
    //check every second
    while (!cps.Progressor.CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
      cps.Progressor.Value += 1;
      cps.Progressor.Status = "Status " + cps.Progressor.Value;
      cps.Progressor.Message = "Message " + cps.Progressor.Value;

      if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("RunCancelableProgress Loop{0}", cps.Progressor.Value));
      //are we done?
      if (cps.Progressor.Value == cps.Progressor.Max) break;
      //block the CIM for a second

    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("RunCancelableProgress: Canceled {0}",

  }, cps.Progressor);

customize the disabedText property of a button or tool

//Set the tool's loadOnClick attribute to "false" in the config.daml. 
//This will allow the tool to be created when Pro launches, so that the disabledText property can display customized text at startup.
//Remove the "condition" attribute from the tool. Use the OnUpdate method(below) to set the enable\disable state of the tool.
//Add the OnUpdate method to the tool.
//Note: since OnUpdate is called very frequently, you should avoid lengthy operations in this method 
//as this would reduce the responsiveness of the application user interface.
internal class SnippetButton : ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Contracts.Button
  protected override void OnUpdate()
    bool enableSate = true; //TODO: Code your enabled state  
    bool criteria = true;  //TODO: Evaluate criteria for disabledText  

    if (enableSate)
      this.Enabled = true;  //tool is enabled  
      this.Enabled = false;  //tool is disabled  
                             //customize your disabledText here  
      if (criteria)
        this.DisabledTooltip = "Missing criteria 1";

Get an Image Resource from the Current Assembly

public static void ExampleUsage()
  //Image 'Dino32.png' is added as Build Action: Resource, 'Do not copy'
  var img = ForImage("Dino32.png");
  //Use the image...

public static BitmapImage ForImage(string imageName)
  return new BitmapImage(PackUriForResource(imageName));
public static Uri PackUriForResource(string resourceName, string folderName = "Images")
  string asm = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(
  string uriString = folderName.Length > 0
      ? string.Format("pack://application:,,,/{0};component/{1}/{2}", asm, folderName, resourceName)
      : string.Format("pack://application:,,,/{0};component/{1}", asm, resourceName);
  return new Uri(uriString, UriKind.Absolute);

Prevent ArcGIS Pro from Closing

// There are two ways to prevent ArcGIS Pro from closing
// 1. Override the CanUnload method on your add-in's module and return false.
// 2. Subscribe to the ApplicationClosing event and cancel the event when you receive it

internal class Module1 : Module

  // Called by Framework when ArcGIS Pro is closing
  protected override bool CanUnload()
    //return false to ~cancel~ Application close
    return false;

  internal class Module2 : Module
    public Module2()

    private Task OnApplicationClosing(System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs args)
      args.Cancel = true;
      return Task.FromResult(0);

    #region How to determine when a project is opened
    protected override bool Initialize() //Called when the Module is initialized.
      ProjectOpenedEvent.Subscribe(OnProjectOpened); //subscribe to Project opened event
      return base.Initialize();

    private void OnProjectOpened(ProjectEventArgs obj) //Project Opened event handler
      MessageBox.Show($"{Project.Current} has opened"); //show your message box

    protected override void Uninitialize() //unsubscribe to the project opened event
      ProjectOpenedEvent.Unsubscribe(OnProjectOpened); //unsubscribe

How to position an embeddable control inside a MapView

public ProSnippetMapTool()
  //Set the MapTool base class' OverlayControlID to the DAML id of your embeddable control in the constructor
  this.OverlayControlID = "ProAppModule1_EmbeddableControl1";

protected override void OnToolMouseDown(MapViewMouseButtonEventArgs e)
  if (e.ChangedButton == System.Windows.Input.MouseButton.Left)
    e.Handled = true;

protected override Task HandleMouseDownAsync(MapViewMouseButtonEventArgs e)
  return QueuedTask.Run(() =>
    //assign the screen coordinate clicked point to the MapTool base class' OverlayControlLocation property.
    this.OverlayControlPositionRatio = e.ClientPoint;


Suggested command options in CommandSearch when a tab is activated.

//In the module class..
public override string[] GetSuggestedCMDIDs(string activeTabID)
  //Return the static list of daml ids you want to be the (suggested) 
  //defaults relevant to the given tab. It can be none, some, or all of the
  //commands associated with the activeTabID.
  //In this example, there are two tabs. This example arbitrarily
  //identifies just one command on each tab to be a default to show in the
  //command search list (when _that_ particular tab is active)
  switch (activeTabID)
    case "CommandSearch_Example_Tab1":
      return new string[] { "CommandSearch_Example_Button2" };
    case "CommandSearch_Example_Tab2":
      return new string[] { "CommandSearch_Example_Button4" };
  return new string[] { "" };

Start ArcGIS Pro from the command line

C:\>"C:\Program Files\ArcGIS Pro\bin\ArcGISPro.exe"

Get Command Line Arguments

If your Add-in requires the use of custom command line arguments your arguments must be of the form "/argument" - note the forward slash "/". There must be no white space. If the command line contains a project to be opened (see Open project from command line) then custom arguments or switches must be placed before the project filename argument.

   string[] args = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
   foreach (var arg in args)
      // look for your command line switches

Application Accelerators (Shortcut Keys)

Application accelerators can be added to your Add-in config.daml using an accelerators/insertAccelerator DAML element with the refID of the element to which you are associating the accelerator (i.e. short cut).

    <insertAccelerator refID="esri_core_openProjectButton" flags="Ctrl" key="O" />
    <insertAccelerator refID="esri_core_redoButton" flags="Ctrl" key="Y" />
    <insertAccelerator refID="esri_core_undoButton" flags="Ctrl" key="Z" />

Note: Use the deleteAccelerator and updateAccelerator DAML elements within an updateModule element to remove or alter application accelerators respectively. Flags can be one of: Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Ctrl+Shift, Alt+Shift, Ctrl+Alt, Ctrl+Alt+Shift

Defining controls in DAML with Pro Styles

There are many ArcGIS Pro styles defined which can be applied to buttons, labels and other controls on your panes and dockpanes to make your add-ins look and feel seamless with ArcGIS Pro. Some of the most common styles are listed below. For more styles and colors see the Styling-With-ArcGIS-Pro sample in the Community Samples repo.

Button styles

<Button Content="Button" Style="{StaticResource Esri_SimpleButton}" ToolTip="Button">
<Button Content="Button" Style="{StaticResource Esri_BackButton}" ToolTip="Button">
<Button Content="Button" Style="{StaticResource Esri_BackButtonSmall}" ToolTip="Button">
<Button Content="Button" Style="{StaticResource Esri_CloseButton}" ToolTip="Button">

Dockpane heading style

<TextBlock Text="MyDockPane" Style="{StaticResource DockPaneHeading}" 
                   VerticalAlignment="Center" HorizontalAlignment="Center"/>
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