What's New?
Here are the major enhancements for this release:
- Implemented "Collections" feature for Geoportal. Now it is possible to have one set of search facets for one set of metadata (e.g. metadata for vector files) and a different set of facets for a different set of metadata (e.g. imagery catalog), all within the same Geoportal, see Collections
- Added support for hierarchical search facet. Now it is possible to configure hierarchical search structure based on primary/secondary categories, different level of geography, and folder structure.
- Create Dublin Core metadata through the metadata editor
- Improved CSW 2.0.2 functionality, including support for DescribeRecord operation, additional elements for DC metadata, and improved compliance.
- Added keywords into the item card in search results
- Corrected search result count in search results
- Fixed issue with browser back button when navigating among different tabs
- Details will open in a popup window instead of new browser tab when clicking on the title of an item
- Updated JAVA and Spring Framework Dependencies
- Upgraded Geoportal to use Esri JS API 3.36
- Updated Log4j2 (2.16.0) to address the critical security issue CVE-2021-44228
- ...
Log4j2 Security Fix
If you have an existing Geoportal Server 2.x, you can either update to version 2.6.5, or update the library manually as follows:
- Download Log4j2 version 2.16.0
- Stop Tomcat Service
- Delete the old version of Log4j* in geoportal/WEB-INF/lib and copy the new version log4j-api-2.16.0.jar, log4j-core-2.16.0.jar, log4j-jcl-2.16.0.jar, log4j-slf4j-impl-2.16.0.jar to geoportal/WEB-INF/lib
- Restart Tomcat Service
IMPORTANT NOTE: Shortly after this release, Apache released Log4j2 2.17.0. We recommend you update to this latest version following the same process as above.