Releases: Esri/military-features-data
June 2018 Release
APP-6(B) support for the following
- ArcGIS Runtime 100.1+
- Added support for various missing or duplicate symbols in APP-6(B)
APP-6(D) support
- ArcGIS Runtime 100.3
More information can be found here: and
September 2017 Release
Reorganization of repository.
Other fixes and enhancements:
Pro 1.2 + mil2525c_b2 and mil2525b2
Release for Pro 1.2 with Dictionary Renderers to support mil2525c and mil2525b2
Other fixes and enhancements:
Note: Fixes an issue with the previous release (1.2.1) where unpacked Layer Packages (lpkx) could not be edited because of an error "spatial index invalid"
Pro 1.2 Final
Updates to correspond with the release of ArcGIS Pro 1.2 and ArcGIS Server 10.4.
For a list of release goals and issues addressed see "Pro 1.2 Final" Milestone at:
For specific issues addressed, you may also see:
Pro 1.2 Beta
For a list of release goals and issues addressed see "Pro 1.2 Beta Milestone" at:
This is a Pro 1.2 alpha release with 1.1 Military Overlay
The purpose of this release is to provide Military Overlay data for Pro 1.1
This release is meant for users who want to have access to Military Overlay data (gdb, package, lpkx, template) for use in Pro 1.1. We wanted to generate this release prior to moving Military Overlay development to Pro 1.2. The next release will contain all 1.2 items.
Mil2525d 1.1.0 for ArcGIS Pro 1.1
This release of Military Features Data is focused on:
- Updating/validating against ArcGIS Pro 1.1 and the Pro DictionaryRenderer
- Addressing any missing or erroneous (1) symbols (2) labels and (3) datamodel attributes that were present in the initial release of the MIL-STD-2525D(Delta) data.
Important Notes:
- This release is intended to be used with ArcGIS Pro 1.1 - it is not fully compatible with ArcGIS Runtime Quartz Beta Releases (some symbols contain features, such as non-RGB colors, that are incompatible with Runtime and some label shadowing issues were discovered during release testing)
Mil2525d 1.0.0 for ArcGIS Pro 1.0
Mil2525d.stylx version 1.0.0 released with ArcGIS Pro 1.0.
This version also corresponds to the install at ArcGIS\Pro\Resources\Dictionaries\mil2525d
Runtime Released Version 10.2.4
Data released and tested with ArcGIS Runtime Version 10.2.4 (October, 2014) and ArcGIS Pro PR.
Runtime Released Version 10.2.3
Fixes included in Runtime 10.2.3 release: