AS A manager at an internet retail company
I WANT a back end for my e-commerce website that uses the latest technologies
SO THAT my company can compete with other e-commerce companies
GIVEN a functional Express.js API
WHEN I add my database name, MySQL username, and MySQL password to an environment variable file
THEN I am able to connect to a database using Sequelize
WHEN I enter schema and seed commands
THEN a development database is created and is seeded with test data
WHEN I enter the command to invoke the application
THEN my server is started and the Sequelize models are synced to the MySQL database
WHEN I open API GET routes in Insomnia for categories, products, or tags
THEN the data for each of these routes is displayed in a formatted JSON
WHEN I test API POST, PUT, and DELETE routes in Insomnia
THEN I am able to successfully create, update, and delete data in my database
Modifed the starter code to create an application called E Commerce. Given the starter code of a working Express.js API, code was configured to use Sequelize to interact with a MySQL database.
Code syncs Sequelize models to a MySQL database on the server start, includes column definitions for all four models and model associations, and provides the following GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE routes:
- Check if you have Node.js installed by typing
node -v
in your command line. If node is not installed, visit the Node.js website to install. - Next, clone this project repository to your computer.
- Use the command
npm i
to install dependencies. - Create a file in the root directory titled
and include database name and personal MySQL login information:
- Open MySQL with command
mysql -u root -p
and enter your personal MySQL password. - Create databse with command
source schema.sql
. Log out of MySQL with command\q
. - Seed database with command
npm run seed
Watch a video demonstration of the basic functionality:
- Start server with command
npm start
. - Access API routes with Insomnia using the following endpoints:
GET (ALL), POST(CREATE) | http://localhost:3001/api/categories/ | http://localhost:3001/api/tags/ | http://localhost:3001/api/products/ |
GET (BY ID), PUT(UPDATE), DELETE | http://localhost:3001/api/categories/:id | http://localhost:3001/api/tags/:id | http://localhost:3001/api/products/:id |
- Make POST and PUT requests with the following JSON body formats:
"categoryName": "STRING INPUT"
"tagName": "STRING INPUT"
"product_name": "STRING INPUT",
This project is covered under the MIT licence.
To learn more click on the following link
Please follow Contributor Covenant Guidelines by clicking on the following link: Contributor Covenant
Use Insomnia for testing routes
If you have any questions about this projects, please email me: directly.
Please visit my GitHub Page to view this project.
Heroku Page
Thank you for tips and sugestions from Bootcamp instructors and classmates. I have used and to research information. Codes were based on mini project and some other modules from bootcamp.
I received help from tutor Dru Sanchez as well.
Tables in README created using table-magic by Steve GunTrip (stevecat).