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Carlo Barazzetta edited this page Mar 24, 2020 · 5 revisions

Change Icons color:

Opening the VCL Demo project you can test how to Change Icons Color (VCL)

Using the GroupBox at top-left of the Main form, you can see a tipical usage of this component: when a user change the appereance (Style) of the application, you can change the color of all the Icons, with a single line of code, using UpdateIconFontsColorByStyle, or using a custom approach:

    {$IFDEF DXE+}
    if LStyleName = 'Windows' then
      IconFontsImageList.UpdateIconsAttributes(clBlack, clBtnFace, False)
    else if LStyleName = 'Windows10' then
      IconFontsImageList.UpdateIconsAttributes(clBlack, clWhite)
    else if LStyleName = 'Windows10 SlateGray' then
      IconFontsImageList.UpdateIconsAttributes(clWhite, clBlack)
    else if LStyleName = 'Windows10 Blue' then
      IconFontsImageList.UpdateIconsAttributes(clBlue, clGray)
    else if LStyleName = 'Windows10 Dark' then
      IconFontsImageList.UpdateIconsAttributes(clSilver, clBlack)
    else if LStyleName = 'Windows10 Green' then
      IconFontsImageList.UpdateIconsAttributes(clOlive, clGreen)
    else if LStyleName = 'Windows10 Purple' then
      IconFontsImageList.UpdateIconsAttributes(clRed, clPurple);

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