Tool that is able to generate documentation from midpoint configuration objects in asciidoc format and HTML export.
Maven 3 is used to build this repository. To build whole project please run:
mvn clean install -DskipTests
Executable JAR file will be located in midscribe/midscribe-cmd/target/midscribe-executable.jar
Usage: java [-Dlogback.configurationFile=logback.xml] -jar midscribe.jar [options] [command] [command options]
-h, --help
Print this help
-s, --silent
No output at all
Default: false
-v, --verbose
Verbose output
Default: false
-V, --version
Version and build description
Default: false
generate Generate documentation
Usage: generate [options]
-ao, --adoc-output
AsciiDoc output file
-e, --exclude
Exclude files
Default: []
-ef, --export-format
Export format
Possible Values: [PDF, HTML]
-eo, --export-output
Export output file
-pf, --properties-file
Properties file
-i, --include
Include files
Default: []
-s, --source-directory
Source directory with XML files. This option can be used multiple times to define more than one directory.
-t, --template
Template file. File should be ZIP containing "template" directory with Velocity templates or path to directory with templates. Main template is "documentation.vm"
Following example generates only AsciiDoc file
java -jar midscribe-executable.jar generate -s <FOLDER_WITH_MIDPOINT_XML_OBJECTS> -ao documentation.adoc
This example generates AsciiDoc as well as HTML file
java -jar midscribe-executable.jar generate -s <FOLDER_WITH_MIDPOINT_XML_OBJECTS> -eo documentation.html -ef HTML
Here is an example generated from object located in midscribe-core/src/test/resources/objects