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The NDE Customization package offers options to enhance and extend the functionality of Primo’s New Discovery Experience (NDE). You can add and develop your own components, customize theme templates, and tailor the discovery interface to your specific needs.

Note: The NDE Customization package is currently available exclusively to Primo customers who have early access to the New Discovery Experience (NDE). Further availability will be announced in upcoming releases.


Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager)

  1. Verify Node.js and npm Installation:

    • Open a terminal.
    • Run the following commands to check if Node.js and npm are installed:
      node -v
      npm -v
    • If installed, you will see version numbers. If not, you will see an error.
  2. Install Node.js and npm (if not installed):

    • Visit the Node.js download page.
    • Download the appropriate version for your operating system (npm is included with Node.js).
    • Follow the installation instructions.

Angular CLI

  1. Verify Angular CLI Installation:

    • Open a terminal.
    • Run the following command:
      ng version
    • If Angular CLI is installed, you will see the version and installed Angular packages.
  2. Install Angular CLI (if not installed):

    • After installing Node.js and npm, install Angular CLI globally by running:
      npm install -g @angular/cli

Development Server Setup

Step 1: Download the Project

  1. Navigate to the GitHub repository:
  2. Download the ZIP file of the project.
  3. Extract the ZIP file to your desired development folder (e.g., c:\env\custom-module\).

Step 2: Install Dependencies

  1. Inside the customModule directory, install the necessary npm packages:
    npm install

Code Scaffolding and Customization

Step 3: Add Custom Components

  1. Create custom components within the custom1-module module by running:

    ng generate component <ComponentName> --module custom1-module


    ng generate component RecommendationsComponent --module custom1-module
  2. To add components before and after a target component, use:

    ng generate component <TargetComponent>-before --module custom1-module
    ng generate component <TargetComponent>-after --module custom1-module
  3. Update selectorComponentMap in custom1-module.module.ts to connect the newly created components:

    export const selectorComponentMap = new Map<string, any>([
      ['nde-recommendations-before', RecommendationsComponentBefore],
      ['nde-recommendations-after', RecommendationsComponentAfter],
      ['nde-recommendations', RecommendationsComponent],
      // Add more pairs as needed
  4. Customize the component’s .html, .ts, and .scss files as needed:

    • src/app/recommendations-component/recommendations-component.component.html
    • src/app/recommendations-component/recommendations-component.component.ts
    • src/app/recommendations-component/recommendations-component.component.scss

Customization of Component Selectors

  • All components in the NDE are intended to be customizable. However, if you encounter a component that does not support customization, please open a support case with us. This helps ensure that we can address the issue and potentially add customization support for that component in future updates.

Step 4: Configuring Proxy for Local Development

There are two options for setting up your local development environment: configuring a proxy or using customization enhancements.

  • Option 1: Update proxy.conf.mjs Configuration:

    • Set the URL of the server you want to test your code with by modifying the proxy.conf.mjs file in the ./proxy directory:
      // Configuration for the development proxy
      const environments = {
        'example': '',
      export const PROXY_TARGET = environments['example'];
    • Start the development server with the configured proxy by running:
      npm run start:proxy
  • Option 2: Enhancements in Customization:

    • Local Custom Package Development:
      • To work with your live environment using a custom package, add the following configuration:
      • This setting assumes that your local development environment is running on the default port 4201.
      • When starting your local development environment with the proxy enabled, configure your development customization package by specifying your local URL in the proxy configuration. Example:
      • This setup allows for real-time testing and development that closely mirrors live environment conditions.

Build the Project

Step 5: Build the Project

  1. Compile the project:

    npm run build
  2. After a successful build, the compiled code will be in the dist/ directory.

  • Automatic Packaging:
    • The build process automatically compiles and packages the project into a ZIP file named according to the INST_ID and VIEW_ID specified in the build-settings.env file located at:
    • Example configuration:
    • The ZIP file, e.g.,, is automatically created in the dist/ directory after a successful build.

Step 6: Upload Customization Package to Alma

  1. In Alma, navigate to Discovery > View List > Edit.
  2. Go to the Manage Customization Package tab.
  3. Upload your zipped package in the Customization Package field and save.
  4. Refresh the front-end to see your changes.

Additional Resources

Live Demo Tutorial


By following these steps, you can customize and extend the NDE interface using the CustomModule package. If you have any questions or run into issues, refer to the project documentation or the ExLibris support.