nx is a simple and modern C++ library allowing fast development of HTTP servers and clients in just a few lines of code.
For example:
A simple "Hello World !" server:
#include <nx/nx.hpp>
using namespace nx;
int main(int ac, char **av)
httpd srv;
// Register a GET handler
srv(GET) / "Hello" = [&](const request& req, buffer& data, reply& rep) {
<< text_plain
<< "Hello, world!"
// Bind and listen
srv(make_endpoint("", 3000));
// Do something else while server asynchronously handles request...
The corresponding client:
#include <nx/nx.hpp>
using namespace nx;
int main(int ac, char **av)
httpc cli;
// Register a GET handler
make_endpoint("", 3000)
) / "Hello" = [&](const reply& rep, buffer& data) {
if (rep) {
<< "server replied:\n"
<< data
// Do something else...