Alliedmods Thread:
- Noclip
- Autobhop
- Unlimited speed
- Checkpoint teleports
- Working Unghost / Unredie
- Working trigger_teleports
- Players have access to a menu to toggle their own settings as a ghost. [IMG]
- English, Russian, and Portuguese translations
- sm_ghost / sm_redie -> Turn into a ghost after you die
- sm_unghost / sm_unredie -> Return back to spectator
- sm_rmenu -> Reopen Ghost Menu
Config File is located in csgo/cfg/sourcemod/ghost.cfg
sm_ghost_enabled 1|0 "Set whether Ghost is enabled on the server."
sm_ghost_bhop 1|0 "Set whether ghosts can autobhop. (sv_autobunnyhopping)"
sm_ghost_speed 1|0 "Set whether ghosts can use unlimited speed (sv_enablebunnyhopping)"
sm_ghost_noclip 1|0 "Set whether ghosts can noclip."
sm_ghost_adverts 1|0 "Set whether chat adverts are enabled."
sm_ghost_adverts_interval 120 "Interval (in seconds) of chat adverts."
This plugin may interfere with sv_autobunnyhopping
/ sv_enablebunnyhopping
. In order for the plugin to not make any unwanted changes to these ConVars, change sm_ghost_bhop 0
and sm_ghost_speed 0