A python implementation of the KDD'23 paper: "Learning Slow and Fast System Dynamics via Automatic Separation of Time Scales".
- Python 3.10
- PyTorch==1.12
- scikit-learn==1.1.2
- Numpy
- Scipy
- Matplotlib
- tqdm
- scikit-dimension
- torchdiffeq
- torchsummary
Phase1: Selecting the appropriate time scale
# switch --phase to 'TimeSelection'
Phase2: Separating the fast and slow components and learning the dynamics.
# switch --phase to 'LearnDynamics'
# choose appropriate params(--tau_s, --slow_dim and --koopman_dim) by the Phase1
Train and test models in 1S2F and 2S2F system:
./LSTM.sh # for LSTM
./TCN.sh # for TCN
./NeuralODE # for Neural ODE
We recommend turning on the --parallel option to enable parallel execution of programs with different random seeds to improve test efficiency. Please be careful to choose the suitable number of random seeds --seed_num according to your computational and cache resources. The result of the experiment should be an average of multiple random seeds.