Research compendium to create reproducible examples for the R package
. These datasets are derived
from IUCN mammals range maps (raw data available here)
and the traits database PanTHERIA (database available here and
metadata available here).
This repository is structured as follow:
📁 data/: contains raw data to create datasets (except for IUCN range maps).
📁 analyses/: contains the R script
to create datasets -
📁 outputs/: contains all the datasets that we will be used as examples in the project
📄 DESCRIPTION: contains project metadata (author, date, dependencies, etc.)
📄 renv.lock: contains recipe to locally install required packages (and their versions)
Clone the repository and run this command in R/RStudio:
Note that all required packages, listed in the DESCRIPTION
and renv.lock
files, will be installed.