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a ghost bag example
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aseemr committed Apr 15, 2024
1 parent 0ede0b7 commit bd1af96
Showing 1 changed file with 307 additions and 0 deletions.
307 changes: 307 additions & 0 deletions share/pulse/examples/GhostBag.fst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
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module GhostBag

// This module implements the ghost bag data structure from
// Expressive modular fine-grained concurrency specification, POPL 2011 (Sec. 6)
// It provides the following interface:
// 1. { emp } gbag_create () { r. gbag (r, Set.empty) }
// 2. { gbag (r, S) ** pure (x \notin S) }
// gbag_add (r, S, x)
// { gbag (r, Set.add x S) ** gbagh (r, x) }
// 3. { gbag (r, S) ** gbagh (r, x) }
// gbag_remove (r, S, x)
// { gbag (r, Set.remove x S) ** pure (x \in S) }

open FStar.Real
open FStar.PCM
open Pulse.Lib.Pervasives

type map (a:eqtype) = m:Map.t a (option perm) { forall (x:a). Map.contains m x }

// P represents the partial knowledge of the set membership
// i.e. x and y may be in the set, but P may only know about x or y
// F represents the full knowledge, but not full permissions
// (the permissions may be distributed in P frames)
// so if x and y are in the set, F will map x and y to non-zero permissions
type gbag_pcm_carrier (a:eqtype) : Type u#1 =
| P : map a -> gbag_pcm_carrier a
| F : map a -> gbag_pcm_carrier a

let gbag_pcm_composable #a : symrel (gbag_pcm_carrier a) =
fun x y ->
match x, y with
| P m1, P m2 ->
forall (x:a).
(Map.sel m1 x == None) \/
(Map.sel m2 x == None) \/
(sum_perm (Some?.v (Map.sel m1 x)) (Some?.v ((Map.sel m2 x)))).v <=. 1.0R

| F m1, P m2
| P m2, F m1 ->
forall (x:a).
(Map.sel m2 x == None) \/
(Some? (Map.sel m1 x) /\ (sum_perm (Some?.v (Map.sel m1 x)) (Some?.v ((Map.sel m2 x)))).v <=. 1.0R)

| _ -> False

let op_maps #a (m1:map a) (m2:map a) : map a =
Map.map_literal (fun x ->
match Map.sel m1 x, Map.sel m2 x with
| None, None -> None
| Some p, None -> Some p
| None, Some p -> Some p
| Some p1, Some p2 -> Some (sum_perm p1 p2)

let gbag_pcm_op #a (x:gbag_pcm_carrier a) (y:gbag_pcm_carrier a { gbag_pcm_composable x y })
: gbag_pcm_carrier a =

match x, y with
| P m1, P m2 -> P (op_maps m1 m2)
| F m1, P m2
| P m1, F m2 -> F (op_maps m1 m2)

let gbag_pcm_one #a : gbag_pcm_carrier a = P (Map.const None)

let gbag_pcm' a : pcm' (gbag_pcm_carrier a) =
composable = gbag_pcm_composable;
op = gbag_pcm_op;
one = gbag_pcm_one;

#push-options "--warn_error -271"
let op_maps_comm a
: m1:map a -> m2:map a -> Lemma (op_maps m1 m2 == op_maps m2 m1) [SMTPat ()] =
fun m1 m2 ->
assert (Map.equal (op_maps m1 m2) (op_maps m2 m1))

let op_maps_assoc_l a
: m1:map a -> m2:map a -> m3:map a ->
Lemma (op_maps m1 (op_maps m2 m3) == op_maps (op_maps m1 m2) m3) [SMTPat ()] =
fun m1 m2 m3 ->
assert (Map.equal (op_maps m1 (op_maps m2 m3)) (op_maps (op_maps m1 m2) m3))

let op_maps_assoc_r a
: m1:map a -> m2:map a -> m3:map a ->
Lemma (op_maps m1 (op_maps m2 m3) == op_maps (op_maps m1 m2) m3) [SMTPat ()] =
fun m1 m2 m3 ->
assert (Map.equal (op_maps m1 (op_maps m2 m3)) (op_maps (op_maps m1 m2) m3))

let gbag_pcm_commutative a : lem_commutative (gbag_pcm' a) =
let _ = op_maps_comm a in
fun _ _ -> ()

#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 20 --fuel 0 --ifuel 1 --split_queries no"
let gbag_pcm_assoc_l a : lem_assoc_l (gbag_pcm' a) =
let _ = op_maps_comm a in
let _ = op_maps_assoc_l a in
let _ = op_maps_assoc_r a in
fun _ _ _ -> ()

let gbag_pcm_assoc_r a : lem_assoc_r (gbag_pcm' a) =
let _ = op_maps_comm a in
let _ = op_maps_assoc_l a in
let _ = op_maps_assoc_r a in
fun _ _ _ -> ()

let gbag_pcm_is_unit a : lem_is_unit (gbag_pcm' a) =
let p = gbag_pcm' a in
fun x ->
assert (p.composable x;
match x with
| P m ->
assert (Map.equal (op_maps m (Map.const None)) m)
| F m ->
assert (Map.equal (op_maps m (Map.const None)) m)

let gbag_pcm a : pcm (gbag_pcm_carrier a) = {
p = gbag_pcm' a;
comm = gbag_pcm_commutative a;
assoc = gbag_pcm_assoc_l a;
assoc_r = gbag_pcm_assoc_r a;
is_unit = gbag_pcm_is_unit a;
refine = (fun _ -> True)

#push-options "--z3rlimit_factor 4 --fuel 0 --ifuel 1 --split_queries no --warn_error -271"
let fp_upd_add #a
(m:map a)
(x:a { Map.sel m x == None })
: frame_preserving_upd (gbag_pcm a) (F m) (F (Map.upd m x (Some full_perm))) =

fun v ->
let F mv = v in
let v_new = F (Map.upd mv x (Some full_perm)) in

eliminate exists (frame:gbag_pcm_carrier a). composable (gbag_pcm a) (F m) frame /\
op (gbag_pcm a) frame (F m) == v
returns compatible (gbag_pcm a) (F (Map.upd m x (Some full_perm))) v_new
with _. (match frame with
| P m_frame
| F m_frame ->
assert (Map.equal (op_maps m_frame (Map.upd m x (Some full_perm)))
(Map.upd mv x (Some full_perm))));

let aux (frame:gbag_pcm_carrier a)
: Lemma
gbag_pcm_composable (F m) frame /\
gbag_pcm_op (F m) frame == v)
gbag_pcm_composable (F (Map.upd m x (Some full_perm))) frame /\
gbag_pcm_op (F (Map.upd m x (Some full_perm))) frame == v_new)
[SMTPat ()] =

match frame with
| P m_frame
| F m_frame ->
assert (Map.equal (op_maps (Map.upd m x (Some full_perm)) m_frame)
(Map.upd mv x (Some full_perm)));


let fp_upd_rem #a
(m:map a)
(x:a { Map.sel m x == Some full_perm })
: frame_preserving_upd (gbag_pcm a) (F m) (F (Map.upd m x None)) =

fun v ->
let F mv = v in
let v_new = F (Map.upd mv x None) in

eliminate exists (frame:gbag_pcm_carrier a). composable (gbag_pcm a) (F m) frame /\
op (gbag_pcm a) frame (F m) == v
returns compatible (gbag_pcm a) (F (Map.upd m x None)) v_new
with _. (match frame with
| P m_frame
| F m_frame ->
assert (Map.equal (op_maps m_frame (Map.upd m x None))
(Map.upd mv x None));
assert (composable (gbag_pcm a) (F (Map.upd m x None)) frame));

let aux (frame:gbag_pcm_carrier a)
: Lemma
gbag_pcm_composable (F m) frame /\
gbag_pcm_op (F m) frame == v)
gbag_pcm_composable (F (Map.upd m x None)) frame /\
gbag_pcm_op (F (Map.upd m x None)) frame == v_new)
[SMTPat ()] =

match frame with
| P m_frame
| F m_frame ->
assert (Map.equal (op_maps (Map.upd m x None) m_frame)
(Map.upd mv x None));


let gbag #a (r:ghost_pcm_ref (gbag_pcm a)) (s:Set.set a) : vprop =
exists* (m:map a).
ghost_pcm_pts_to r (F m) **
(pure (forall (x:a). (~ (Set.mem x s)) ==> Map.sel m x == None)) **
(pure (forall (x:a). Set.mem x s ==> Map.sel m x == Some (half_perm full_perm)))

let gbagh #a (r:ghost_pcm_ref (gbag_pcm a)) (x:a) : vprop =
ghost_pcm_pts_to r (P (Map.upd (Map.const None) x (Some (half_perm full_perm))))

fn gbag_create (a:eqtype)
requires emp
returns r:ghost_pcm_ref (gbag_pcm a)
ensures gbag r Set.empty
let r = ghost_alloc #_ #(gbag_pcm a) (F (Map.const None));
with _m. rewrite (ghost_pcm_pts_to r (Ghost.reveal (Ghost.hide _m))) as
(ghost_pcm_pts_to r _m);
fold (gbag r Set.empty);

fn gbag_add #a (r:ghost_pcm_ref (gbag_pcm a)) (s:Set.set a) (x:a)
requires gbag r s **
pure (~ (Set.mem x s))
ensures gbag r (Set.add x s) **
gbagh r x
unfold gbag;
with mf. assert (ghost_pcm_pts_to r (F mf));
ghost_write r (F mf) (F (Map.upd mf x (Some full_perm))) (fp_upd_add mf x);
assert (pure (Map.equal (Map.upd mf x (Some full_perm))
(op_maps (Map.upd mf x (Some (half_perm full_perm)))
(Map.upd (Map.const None) x (Some (half_perm full_perm))))));
rewrite (ghost_pcm_pts_to r (F (Map.upd mf x (Some full_perm)))) as
(ghost_pcm_pts_to r (op (gbag_pcm a)
(F (Map.upd mf x (Some (half_perm full_perm))))
(P (Map.upd (Map.const None) x (Some (half_perm full_perm))))));
ghost_share r (F (Map.upd mf x (Some (half_perm full_perm))))
(P (Map.upd (Map.const None) x (Some (half_perm full_perm))));
fold (gbag r (Set.add x s));
with _v. rewrite (ghost_pcm_pts_to r (Ghost.reveal (Ghost.hide _v))) as
(gbagh r x)

fn gbag_remove #a (r:ghost_pcm_ref (gbag_pcm a)) (s:Set.set a) (x:a)
requires gbag r s **
gbagh r x
ensures gbag r (Set.remove x s) **
pure (x `Set.mem` s)
unfold gbag;
with mf. assert (ghost_pcm_pts_to r (F mf));
unfold gbagh;
let mp = Map.upd (Map.const None) x (Some (half_perm full_perm));
with _m. rewrite (ghost_pcm_pts_to r (P _m)) as
(ghost_pcm_pts_to r (P mp));
ghost_gather r (F mf) (P mp);
assert (pure (x `Set.mem` s));
let mop = op_maps mf mp;
ghost_write r (F mop) (F (Map.upd mop x None)) (fp_upd_rem mop x);
fold (gbag r (Set.remove x s))

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