[ GET ] /pokemon
Get a list of pokemon
[ GET ] /pokemon/id
Get a specific pokemon based on it's id
[ POST ] /pokemon/add
Add a new pokemon
[ PUT ] /pokemon/update
Update pokemon based on it's Id.
[ DELETE ] /pokemon/delete/id
Set the active flag on our pokemon to 0
- Database - A class to manage our connection to postgres.
- Auth - A class to manage API Tokens.
- Pokemon - A class that manages all pokemon data.
- ApiResponse - A class to manage any responses from our API.
- Auth Routes - Anything related to authentication.
- Pokemon Routes - Anything related to the pokemon resource.
- Auth - Intercept all request and validate the API Token
"newPokemon": {
"name": "Bulbasaur",
"species": "Mouse Pokémon",
"height": "0.7 m",
"weight": "6.9 kg",
"abilities": "Growl, Tackle, Leech seed, Vine whip",
"type": "electric",
"sp_def": 65,
"total": 318
"updatedPokemon": {
"name": "Bulbasaur 2.0",
"species": "Mouse Pokémon",
"height": "0.7 m",
"weight": "6.9 kg",
"abilities": "Growl, Tackle, Leech seed, Vine whip",
"type": "electric",
"sp_def": 95,
"total": 450