An implementation of Wordle in a client-server fashion. Both sides are implemented in Java:
- Frontend: Swing
- Backend: Thread pooling to handle multiple requests from different sessions command pattern. The database is simplified and handled via serialization of objects in json files.
- git clone this repository;
- cd into the repository;
- run the following commands in the terminal:
javac -d bin -cp "libs/*" -sourcepath src/main/java src/main/java/server/
jar cfm compile/server/server.jar compile/server/ManifestServer.txt -C bin . -C libs .
java -jar compile/server/server.jar
- once the server has started, run as many client as desired with:
javac -d bin -cp "libs/*" -sourcepath src/main/java src/main/java/client/
jar cfm compile/client/client.jar compile/client/ManifestClient.txt -C bin . -C libs .
java -jar compile/client/client.jar