This is a simulation of a truck delivery company written in C++. This was made as a University project in the Data Structures and Algorithms course at Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University.
- Cargos (3 types): Normal, Special, VIP (N,S,V)
- Unique ID
- Delivery Distance
- Cost
- Trucks (3 types): Normal, Special, VIP (N,S,V)
- Unique ID
- Speed
- Capacity
- Repair time and number of journey before repairing
- Events:
- Ready(R): new cargo to deliver with type, money, deliveryDistance, loading/unloading time.
- Cancellation(X): cancel a cargo from waiting normal cargos.
- Promotion(P): promote a normal cargo paying extra money.
- Other:
- A normal cargo that waits AutoP days would get automatically promoted to VIP.
- A truck that waits MaxW hours without reaching full capacity would start loading and deliver.
- CDT: Cargo delivery time
- PT: preparation time
- WT: waiting time
- TID: truck ID that delivered the cargo
- Interactive Mode: Would allow you to manually increment hours by pressing Enter.
- Step-by-Step Mode: Automatically increment hours by 1 each second.
- Silent Mode: Just produce an output file.
You would then be asked to enter the input file's name aswell as the output file's name
- Output format of a truck:
- TruckID [CargoID,CargoID]
- Brackets change [] or () or {} depending on truck type (N,S,V)
Current time (Day:Hour): 1:0 This implies day 1 hour 0 of the simulation
0 Waiting Cargos: [] () {} 0 total number of cargos [] for normal () for special {} for VIP
Rest of Items are displayed similarily
- @FahdSeddik
- @AbdulrahmanEl-Bedewy
- @amrashraf2001
- @gaserSami