MEIN Stack - The MEAN Stack with Ionic & Typescript
MEIN Stack is a TypeScript Full Stack MongoDB + ExpressJS + Angular2 + NodeJS with Ionic 2 Framework to provide multi platform application.
It's a simple todo application exemple with server-side Users JWT authentification & using RxJS Observable on client-side.
Hop is help you to start your project on the right way.
- NVM - Download & Install Node Version Manage
- NodeJS 7 - Download & Install Node.js and the npm package manager with NVM
$ nvm install node 7
. - MongoDB - Download & Install MongoDB, and make sure it's running on the default port (27017).
- Typescript Latest stable version install in Global
$ npm install -g typescript
- Nodemon Latest stable version install in Global
$ npm install -g nodemon
- Ionic 2 & Cordova - Latest stable version install in Global
$ npm install -g ionic cordova
- And you should also have git installed to a better working flow.
- run mongodb by open CLI from
folder and run$ ./mongod --dbpath ../data/db
- open this project in your IDE and install all node_modules from IDE CLI
$ nvm use 7.2
,$ npm install
- run project (server+client side) with
$ npm run dev
- if you've trouble, try the manual start
- open CLI from
folder and run$ ./mongod --dbpath ../data/db
- open this project in your IDE and install all node_modules from IDE CLI
$ nvm use 7.2
and$ npm install
- now run Node Server from IDE CLI
$ tsc server.ts --moduleResolution node ./**/*.d.ts -w
- Typescript=> if trouble withtypes definition, use
$ npm install @types/{{TYPE_MODULE}} --save-dev
for each module needed (CAREFUL: to not install es6 @types => do not install cause it mek trouble with ionic build script. If you've a issue, pull request.) - and then open new IDE CLI and run
$ nodemon ./server.js --ignore src/ --ignore www/ --ignore .tmp/
- now again open new IDE CLI window and final run
$ nvm use 7.2
and$ ionic serve
for building application - you'r now ready to start to work ;)
- config mongodb URL & all providers URL Endpoints on client side
- open this project in your IDE and install all node_modules from IDE CLI
$ nvm use 7.2
,$ npm install
and run server with$ npm run prod
- if you've trouble, try the manual start without
$ nodemon --watch server.js
and remove-w
from$ ntsc server.ts -w
TODOS Endpoints
path: http://localhost:8080/todos
autenticate: false
methode: $_GET / $_POST
path: http://localhost:8080/todos/:id
autenticate: false
methode: $_GET / $_POST / $_DELETE
AUTH Endpoints
path: http://localhost:8080/auth
autenticate: false
methode: $_POST
path: http://localhost:8080/isauth
autenticate: false/true
methode: $_GET
path: http://localhost:8080/signup
autenticate: false
methode: $_POST
USERS Endpoints
path: http://localhost:8080/users
autenticate: true
methode: $_GET
path: http://localhost:8080/users/:id
autenticate: true
methode: $_GET
Deploy runing task
- config all providers url endpoints on client side
- open this project in your IDE and install all node_modules from IDE CLI
$ nvm use 7.2
,$ npm install
and run server with$ npm run delpoy
this will push./www
folder on your Github gh-pages branch repository
coming soon...
- config all providers url endpoints on client side
- open this project in your IDE and install all node_modules from IDE CLI
$ nvm use 7.2
,$ npm install
and run server with$ npm ionic build ios
to build xCode Files - publish on Itunes Connect
Hi, i'm a Front-end developper living in Geneva Switzerland and i build hybrid mobile & web applications for almost 15 years. You can follow me on Twitter @FazioNico or checkout my own website