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Nabeel Sulieman edited this page Aug 1, 2020 · 19 revisions

Sift Fraud Detection for WooCommerce

Sift monitors the behavior of visitors on your website for sign of fraud. Fraud is a constant burden for eCommerce companies of any size and the only way to avoid it is with smart algorithms that detect fraud before your product leaves your hands.

Fermiac's WooCommerce-SiftScience plugin connects your WooCommerce site to Sift Science's advanced algorithm to accurately determine whether your orders are fraud.

About Sift

Sift tackles fraud by watching your user's behavior for characteristic behaviors of fraudsters. Installing this plugin connects your eCommerce site to Sift's platform.

Most fraud detection packages use arbitrary heuristics to decline or flag orders. But each company is different and fraudsters continue to adapt. With every new piece of your data, Sift learns to distinguish good users and bad users to help you stay ahead of fraud tactics.

Sift Video

Sift: How it works


  • Get accurate realtime fraud risk score that can be used to automatically hold or reject orders
  • See scores directly on your orders dashboard which allows you allows you to inspect an order with the press of a button
  • Manually label users as good or bad so to train Sift to detect your specific fraud patterns
  • Set rules on how orders are managed by setting rules for holding, rejecting, and accepting orders based on a customer's Sift Score
  • Integrates with any gateway you currently use


How it Works

Sift Science tackles fraud by watching your user's behavior for characteristic behaviors of fraudsters. When an order is made, the user is given a Sift Score specific to your website and your order history. The higher the score, the higher the likelihood the order is fraudulent. Based on the score WooCommerce automatically accepts the order, rejects the order, or holds it for manual inspection.

Sift Science watches every important user event you can think of: IP address, shipping address, billing address, payment method, order frequency, cart size, email address, and many more. It also learns about your company. The more orders you send Sift Science the more it can differentiate good users from bad users.

Why Sift Science

Most fraud detection packages use arbitrary heuristics to decline or flag orders. But each company is different and fraudsters continue to adapt. With every new piece of your data, Sift Science learns to distinguish good users and bad users to help you stay ahead of fraud tactics.

Why Fermiac (Woocommerce-siftscience plugin)

Fermiac started as a partnership to combat fraud on our own eCommerce sites. The more successful the company, the more we found ourselves to be targets. Our payment processors all claimed to fight fraud but most did little to nothing. We found Sift Science and developed this plugin for our own use and found it to be incredibly effective. They are the first company to approach fraud using the latest data technology and have always been cheap, if not free.

Fraudsters hate Sift Science


  • WooCommerce-SiftScience plugin: Free
  • Account: See website for details


  1. In your website's admin page, select Plugin->Add New, search for Woocommerce-SiftScience, and click 'install now'.
  2. In your admin page, go to Plugin->Installed Plugins, and press 'Activate' next to your new plugin.
  3. Log into your SiftScience account (or set up a new account) on, go to Developer options and select "sandbox" mode.
  4. Copy the API and Java snippet keys.
  5. Copy the two Sandbox keys to your site by going to WooCommerce->Settings->(tab)Siftscience and press save.
  6. Repeat the last three steps for 'production mode.