pip install -r requirement.txt
usage: run.py [-h] [--agents AGENTS [AGENTS ...]] [--map MAP] [--goals GOALS [GOALS ...]] [--lp-file LP_FILE] [--vis] [--save SAVE]
Partially Observable Multi-Agent Path Finding.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--agents AGENTS [AGENTS ...]
Specify a team of agents
--map MAP Specify a map
--goals GOALS [GOALS ...]
Specify the goals for each agent,e.g. 2_0 0_2
--lp-file LP_FILE Use an existing human-written lp file
--vis Visulize the process
--save SAVE Specify the path to save the animation
python run.py --agents sensor_1 sensor_1 --map 3_3 --goals 0_1 2_0 --lp-file poma2asp.lp --vis --save pomapf.gif