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Port PartitionedArrays.jl extension from Ferrite-FEM/Ferrite.jl#486 (#14
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termi-official authored Jun 7, 2023
1 parent 35f6a1f commit 5bb9eb2
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Showing 5 changed files with 472 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,14 +13,17 @@ Tensors = "48a634ad-e948-5137-8d70-aa71f2a747f4"
HYPRE = "b5ffcf37-a2bd-41ab-a3da-4bd9bc8ad771"
Metis = "2679e427-3c69-5b7f-982b-ece356f1e94b"
PartitionedArrays = "5a9dfac6-5c52-46f7-8278-5e2210713be9"

FerriteDistributedHYPREAssembly = "HYPRE"
FerriteDistributedMetisPartitioning = "Metis"
FerriteDistributedPartitionedArrays = "PartitionedArrays"

Ferrite = "0.3"
Metis = "1.3"
PartitionedArrays = "0.2"
julia = "1"

Expand Down
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions ext/FerriteDistributedPartitionedArrays.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Module containing the code for distributed assembly via PartitionedArrays.jl
module FerriteDistributedPartitionedArrays

using FerriteDistributed
# TODO remove me. These are merely hotfixes to split the extensions trasiently via an internal API.
import FerriteDistributed: getglobalgrid, num_global_dofs, num_local_true_dofs, num_local_dofs, global_comm, interface_comm, global_rank, compute_owner, remote_entities
using MPI
using PartitionedArrays
using Base: @propagate_inbounds


function __init__()
@info "FerriteDistributedPartitionedArrays extension loaded."

end # module FerriteDistributedPartitionedArrays
335 changes: 335 additions & 0 deletions ext/FerriteDistributedPartitionedArrays/assembler.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
function Ferrite.create_sparsity_pattern(::Type{<:PSparseMatrix}, dh::Ferrite.AbstractDofHandler, ch::Union{ConstraintHandler,Nothing}=nothing; kwargs...)
error("Not implemented.")

Simplest partitioned assembler in COO format to obtain a PSparseMatrix and a PVector.
struct COOAssembler{T}



# TODO PartitionedArrays backend as additional input arg
# TODO fix type
function COOAssembler{T}(dh) where {T}
ldof_to_gdof = dh.ldof_to_gdof
ldof_to_rank = dh.ldof_to_rank
nldofs = num_local_dofs(dh)
ngdofs = num_global_dofs(dh)
dgrid = getglobalgrid(dh)
dim = getdim(dgrid)

I = Int[]
J = Int[]
V = T[]
sizehint!(I, nldofs)
sizehint!(J, nldofs)
sizehint!(V, nldofs)

# @TODO the code below can be massively simplified by introducing a ghost layer to the
# distributed grid, which can efficiently precompute some of the values below.
comm = global_comm(dgrid)
np = MPI.Comm_size(comm)
my_rank = global_rank(dgrid)

Ferrite.@debug println("starting assembly... (R$my_rank)")

# Neighborhood graph
# @TODO cleanup old code below and use graph primitives instead.
(source_len, destination_len, _) = MPI.Dist_graph_neighbors_count(interface_comm(dgrid))
sources = Vector{Cint}(undef, source_len)
destinations = Vector{Cint}(undef, destination_len)
MPI.Dist_graph_neighbors!(interface_comm(dgrid), sources, destinations)

# Adjust to Julia index convention
sources .+= 1
destinations .+= 1

Ferrite.@debug println("Neighborhood | $sources | $destinations (R$my_rank)")

# Invert the relations to clarify the code
source_index = Dict{Cint, Int}()
for (i,remote_rank) enumerate(sources)
source_index[remote_rank] = i
destination_index = Dict{Int, Cint}()
for (i,remote_rank) enumerate(destinations)
destination_index[remote_rank] = i

# Note: We assume a symmetric neighborhood for now... this may not be true in general.
neighbors = MPIData(Int32.(sources), comm, (np,))

# Extract locally owned dofs
ltdof_indices = ldof_to_rank.==my_rank
ltdof_to_gdof = ldof_to_gdof[ltdof_indices]

Ferrite.@debug println("ltdof_to_gdof $ltdof_to_gdof (R$my_rank)")
Ferrite.@debug println("ldof_to_gdof $ldof_to_gdof (R$my_rank)")
Ferrite.@debug println("ldof_to_rank $ldof_to_rank (R$my_rank)")

# Process owns rows of owned dofs. The process also may write to some remote dofs,
# which correspond to non-owned share entities. Here we construct the rows for the
# distributed matrix.
# We decide for row (i.e. test function) ownership, because it the image of
# SpMV is process local.
row_indices = PartitionedArrays.IndexSet(my_rank, ldof_to_gdof, Int32.(ldof_to_rank))
row_data = MPIData(row_indices, comm, (np,))
row_exchanger = Exchanger(row_data)
rows = PRange(ngdofs,row_data,row_exchanger)

Ferrite.@debug println("rows done (R$my_rank)")

# For the locally visible columns we also have to take into account that remote
# processes will write their data in some of these, because their remotely
# owned trial functions overlap with the locally owned test functions.
ghost_dof_to_global = Int[]
ghost_dof_rank = Int32[]

# ------------ Ghost dof synchronization ----------
# Prepare sending ghost dofs to neighbors 👻
#@TODO move relevant parts into dof handler
#@TODO communication can be optimized by deduplicating entries in, and compressing the following arrays
#@TODO reorder communication by field to eliminate need for `ghost_dof_field_index_to_send`
ghost_dof_to_send = [Int[] for i 1:destination_len] # global dof id
ghost_rank_to_send = [Int[] for i 1:destination_len] # rank of dof
ghost_dof_field_index_to_send = [Int[] for i 1:destination_len]
ghost_dof_owner = [Int[] for i 1:destination_len] # corresponding owner
ghost_dof_pivot_to_send = [Int[] for i 1:destination_len] # corresponding dof to interact with
for (pivot_vertex, pivot_shared_vertex) dgrid.shared_vertices
# Start by searching shared entities which are not owned
pivot_vertex_owner_rank = compute_owner(dgrid, pivot_shared_vertex)
pivot_cell_idx = pivot_vertex[1]

if my_rank != pivot_vertex_owner_rank
sender_slot = destination_index[pivot_vertex_owner_rank]

Ferrite.@debug println("$pivot_vertex may require synchronization (R$my_rank)")
# Note: We have to send ALL dofs on the element to the remote.
cell_dofs_upper_bound = (pivot_cell_idx == getncells(dh.grid)) ? length(dh.cell_dofs) : dh.cell_dofs_offset[pivot_cell_idx+1]
cell_dofs = dh.cell_dofs[dh.cell_dofs_offset[pivot_cell_idx]:cell_dofs_upper_bound]

for (field_idx, field_name) in zip(1:num_fields(dh), getfieldnames(dh))
!has_vertex_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_vertex) && continue
pivot_vertex_dofs = vertex_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_vertex)

for d 1:dh.field_dims[field_idx]
Ferrite.@debug println(" adding dof $(pivot_vertex_dofs[d]) to ghost sync synchronization on slot $sender_slot (R$my_rank)")

# Extract dofs belonging to the current field
#cell_field_dofs = cell_dofs[dof_range(dh, field_name)]
#for cell_field_dof ∈ cell_field_dofs
for cell_dof cell_dofs
append!(ghost_dof_pivot_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[pivot_vertex_dofs[d]])
append!(ghost_dof_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[cell_dof])
append!(ghost_rank_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_rank[cell_dof])
append!(ghost_dof_field_index_to_send[sender_slot], field_idx)

if dim > 1
for (pivot_face, pivot_shared_face) dgrid.shared_faces
# Start by searching shared entities which are not owned
pivot_face_owner_rank = compute_owner(dgrid, pivot_shared_face)
pivot_cell_idx = pivot_face[1]

if my_rank != pivot_face_owner_rank
sender_slot = destination_index[pivot_face_owner_rank]

Ferrite.@debug println("$pivot_face may require synchronization (R$my_rank)")
# Note: We have to send ALL dofs on the element to the remote.
cell_dofs_upper_bound = (pivot_cell_idx == getncells(dh.grid)) ? length(dh.cell_dofs) : dh.cell_dofs_offset[pivot_cell_idx+1]
cell_dofs = dh.cell_dofs[dh.cell_dofs_offset[pivot_cell_idx]:cell_dofs_upper_bound]

for (field_idx, field_name) in zip(1:num_fields(dh), getfieldnames(dh))
!has_face_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_face) && continue
pivot_face_dofs = face_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_face)

for d 1:dh.field_dims[field_idx]
Ferrite.@debug println(" adding dof $(pivot_face_dofs[d]) to ghost sync synchronization on slot $sender_slot (R$my_rank)")

# Extract dofs belonging to the current field
#cell_field_dofs = cell_dofs[dof_range(dh, field_name)]
#for cell_field_dof ∈ cell_field_dofs
for cell_dof cell_dofs
append!(ghost_dof_pivot_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[pivot_face_dofs[d]])
append!(ghost_dof_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[cell_dof])
append!(ghost_rank_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_rank[cell_dof])
append!(ghost_dof_field_index_to_send[sender_slot], field_idx)

if dim > 2
for (pivot_edge, pivot_shared_edge) dgrid.shared_edges
# Start by searching shared entities which are not owned
pivot_edge_owner_rank = compute_owner(dgrid, pivot_shared_edge)
pivot_cell_idx = pivot_edge[1]

if my_rank != pivot_edge_owner_rank
sender_slot = destination_index[pivot_edge_owner_rank]

Ferrite.@debug println("$pivot_edge may require synchronization (R$my_rank)")
# Note: We have to send ALL dofs on the element to the remote.
cell_dofs_upper_bound = (pivot_cell_idx == getncells(dh.grid)) ? length(dh.cell_dofs) : dh.cell_dofs_offset[pivot_cell_idx+1]
cell_dofs = dh.cell_dofs[dh.cell_dofs_offset[pivot_cell_idx]:cell_dofs_upper_bound]

for (field_idx, field_name) in zip(1:num_fields(dh), getfieldnames(dh))
!has_edge_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_edge) && continue
pivot_edge_dofs = edge_dofs(dh, field_idx, pivot_edge)

for d 1:dh.field_dims[field_idx]
Ferrite.@debug println(" adding dof $(pivot_edge_dofs[d]) to ghost sync synchronization on slot $sender_slot (R$my_rank)")
# Extract dofs belonging to the current field
#cell_field_dofs = cell_dofs[dof_range(dh, field_name)]
#for cell_field_dof ∈ cell_field_dofs
for cell_dof cell_dofs
append!(ghost_dof_pivot_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[pivot_edge_dofs[d]])
append!(ghost_dof_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_gdof[cell_dof])
append!(ghost_rank_to_send[sender_slot], ldof_to_rank[cell_dof])
append!(ghost_dof_field_index_to_send[sender_slot], field_idx)

ghost_send_buffer_lengths = Int[length(i) for i ghost_dof_to_send]
ghost_recv_buffer_lengths = zeros(Int, destination_len)
MPI.Neighbor_alltoall!(UBuffer(ghost_send_buffer_lengths,1), UBuffer(ghost_recv_buffer_lengths,1), interface_comm(dgrid));
Ferrite.@debug for (i,ghost_recv_buffer_length) enumerate(ghost_recv_buffer_lengths)
println("receiving $ghost_recv_buffer_length ghosts from $(sources[i]) (R$my_rank)")

# Communicate ghost information 👻
# @TODO coalesce communication
ghost_send_buffer_dofs = vcat(ghost_dof_to_send...)
ghost_recv_buffer_dofs = zeros(Int, sum(ghost_recv_buffer_lengths))
MPI.Neighbor_alltoallv!(VBuffer(ghost_send_buffer_dofs,ghost_send_buffer_lengths), VBuffer(ghost_recv_buffer_dofs,ghost_recv_buffer_lengths), interface_comm(dgrid))

ghost_send_buffer_fields = vcat(ghost_dof_field_index_to_send...)
ghost_recv_buffer_fields = zeros(Int, sum(ghost_recv_buffer_lengths))
MPI.Neighbor_alltoallv!(VBuffer(ghost_send_buffer_fields,ghost_send_buffer_lengths), VBuffer(ghost_recv_buffer_fields,ghost_recv_buffer_lengths), interface_comm(dgrid))

ghost_send_buffer_ranks = vcat(ghost_rank_to_send...)
ghost_recv_buffer_ranks = zeros(Int, sum(ghost_recv_buffer_lengths))
MPI.Neighbor_alltoallv!(VBuffer(ghost_send_buffer_ranks,ghost_send_buffer_lengths), VBuffer(ghost_recv_buffer_ranks,ghost_recv_buffer_lengths), interface_comm(dgrid))

ghost_send_buffer_dofs_piv = vcat(ghost_dof_pivot_to_send...)
ghost_recv_buffer_dofs_piv = zeros(Int, sum(ghost_recv_buffer_lengths))
MPI.Neighbor_alltoallv!(VBuffer(ghost_send_buffer_dofs_piv,ghost_send_buffer_lengths), VBuffer(ghost_recv_buffer_dofs_piv,ghost_recv_buffer_lengths), interface_comm(dgrid))

# Reconstruct source ranks
ghost_recv_buffer_source_ranks = Int[]
for (source_idx, recv_len) enumerate(ghost_recv_buffer_lengths)
append!(ghost_recv_buffer_source_ranks, ones(recv_len)*sources[source_idx])

Ferrite.@debug println("received $ghost_recv_buffer_dofs with owners $ghost_recv_buffer_ranks (R$my_rank)")

unique_ghosts_dr = sort(unique(first,zip(ghost_recv_buffer_dofs,ghost_recv_buffer_ranks)))
# unzip manually and make sure we do not add duplicate entries to our columns
for (dof,rank) unique_ghosts_dr
if rank != my_rank && dof ldof_to_gdof
push!(ghost_dof_to_global, dof)
push!(ghost_dof_rank, rank)

# ------------- Construct rows and cols of distributed matrix --------
all_local_cols = Int[ldof_to_gdof; ghost_dof_to_global]
all_local_col_ranks = Int32[ldof_to_rank; ghost_dof_rank]
Ferrite.@debug println("all_local_cols $all_local_cols (R$my_rank)")
Ferrite.@debug println("all_local_col_ranks $all_local_col_ranks (R$my_rank)")

col_indices = PartitionedArrays.IndexSet(my_rank, all_local_cols, all_local_col_ranks)
col_data = MPIData(col_indices, comm, (np,))
col_exchanger = Exchanger(col_data)
cols = PRange(ngdofs,col_data,col_exchanger)

Ferrite.@debug println("cols and rows constructed (R$my_rank)")
f = PartitionedArrays.PVector(0.0,rows)
Ferrite.@debug println("f constructed (R$my_rank)")

👻remotes = zip(ghost_recv_buffer_dofs_piv, ghost_recv_buffer_dofs, ghost_recv_buffer_ranks,ghost_recv_buffer_fields)
Ferrite.@debug println("👻remotes $👻remotes (R$my_rank)")

return new(I, J, V, cols, rows, f, 👻remotes, dh)

# TODO fix type
# Ferrite.start_assemble(dh::FerriteMPI.DistributedDofHandler, _::MPIBackend) = COOAssembler{Float64}(dh)
Ferrite.start_assemble(dh, _::MPIBackend) = COOAssembler{Float64}(dh)

@propagate_inbounds function Ferrite.assemble!(a::COOAssembler{T}, edof::AbstractVector{Int}, Ke::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T}
n_dofs = length(edof)
append!(a.V, Ke)
@inbounds for j in 1:n_dofs
append!(a.I, edof)
for i in 1:n_dofs
push!(a.J, edof[j])

@propagate_inbounds function Ferrite.assemble!(a::COOAssembler{T}, dofs::AbstractVector{Int}, fe::AbstractVector{T}, Ke::AbstractMatrix{T}) where {T}
Ferrite.assemble!(a, dofs, Ke)
map_parts(local_view(a.f, a.f.rows)) do f_local
Ferrite.assemble!(f_local, dofs, fe)

function Ferrite.end_assemble(assembler::COOAssembler{T}) where {T}
dgrid = getglobalgrid(assembler.dh)
comm = global_comm(dgrid)
np = MPI.Comm_size(comm)
my_rank = global_rank(dgrid)

# --------------------- Add ghost entries in IJ 👻 --------------------
I = map(i->assembler.dh.ldof_to_gdof[i], assembler.I)
J = map(j->assembler.dh.ldof_to_gdof[j], assembler.J)
V = map(v->v, assembler.V)

# Fix ghost layer 👻! Note that the locations for remote processes to write their
# data into are missing up to this point.
# TODO here still the interaction between fields is missing...
for (i, (pivot_dof, global_ghost_dof, ghost_owner_rank, ghost_field_idx)) enumerate(assembler.👻remotes)
for dᵢ 1:1#assembler.dh.field_dims[ghost_field_idx]
for dⱼ 1:1#assembler.dh.field_dims[ghost_field_idx]
push!(I, pivot_dof+dᵢ-1)
push!(J, global_ghost_dof+dⱼ-1)
push!(V, 0.0)

Ferrite.@debug println("I=$(I) (R$my_rank)")
Ferrite.@debug println("J=$(J) (R$my_rank)")
K = PartitionedArrays.PSparseMatrix(
MPIData(I, comm, (np,)),
MPIData(J, comm, (np,)),
MPIData(V, comm, (np,)),
assembler.rows, assembler.cols, ids=:global


return K, assembler.f

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