To setup your FMP instance, you need to use docker compose to start the backend, database, frontend, and pgadmin.
docker compose up --build
When the docker compose is running, you are able to access the API documentation at http://localhost:8080/docs.
When the docker compose is running, you are able to access the database using pgadmin.
Open http://localhost:8888 in your browser, if you are using the dev container you will need to forward port 8888
Login with the following details
Email: Password: admin
Select the servers tab
Use the password
to access the FindMyProfessors Database -
Use the
table for development
When the docker compose is running, you are able to access the mailer at http://localhost:1080.
Either you can use pgadmin to update the user, or you can use the following command
./scripts/api/ <user_id>
Run the following command
ls -alh
sudo chown -R vscode:vscode * .*
ls -alh
Notice the difference?