A weather app but with beautiful artwork. These artworks are made by me with suggestions from various people to make it look perfect.
Goal is to keep it minimal!
- Fetching weather data from a remote API using Retrofit and Kotlin Coroutines.
- Made using kotlin and following business logic MVVM to setup everything in the project.
- Current location fetched using google API
- Retrofit: For making network requests and fetching weather data from the API.
- RecyclerView: For displaying a list of libraries.
- Hilt: For dependency injection
- Room db: For storing the fetched weather data from openWeatherApi
- Google Api: To fetch the current location of the user
- LeakCanary: To show if there is any memory leak during the debug mode.
To run the Weathering App on your local machine, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/FireLord/Weathering.git
- Open the project in Android Studio.
- Build and run the app on an emulator or physical device.
Make sure you have an active internet connection to fetch the latest weather data from the API.