Flash micro-SD card with Raspberry Pi OS Download the tool
Copy ssh file into the boot folder of the micro-SD card
Fill wpa_supplicant.conf.template and rename it to wpa_supplicant.conf (without .template at the end)
Copy wpa_supplicant.conf to boot folder of the micro-SD card
Try to launch
ping raspberrypi.local
from a terminal -
To ssh into your RP zero launch
ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
Trust the RP by answering yes (only needed the first time) and enter the default password:
Set up un new password:
Optional: As it won't harm you in any way, feel free to run a little update/upgrade...
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Download it
curl -sSL https://get.pimoroni.com/grow | bash
The program will ask you to confirm wether or not tou want to download the examples (yes) and to reboot (yes)
Stoping the service:
sudo systemctl stop grow-monitor.service
Create an alias for service start/stop
alias growstart='sudo systemctl start grow-monitor.service'
alias growstop='sudo systemctl stop grow-monitor.service'
- Edit configuration file:
cd /etc/default
sudo nano grow
- To remove the key-pair when having a fresh install
#change the ip!!!
ssh-keygen -R
Connect the camera cable
Activate camera
sudo raspi-config
Interface Options
and activate -
Test the camera with
sudo raspistill -o image.jpg
Transfer the file with
scp pi@raspberrypi.local:~/image.jpg Desktop/
mkdir -p ~/image
sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/phototimer.service
- Copy paste the following:
Description=Take pictures every 2hours from 8am to 8pm
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/pi/phototimer/take.py 120
- Then change the permissions on the file
sudo chmod 644 /lib/systemd/system/phototimer.service
- And enable the service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable phototimer.service
- Reboot and watch the service being started
To transfer the files from the Raspberry to your local computer:
scp -r pi@ Desktop/
To generate a timelapse from your pictures:
echo $(echo $(find ./Desktop/image/ | sort -V|grep jpg)) | xargs cat | ffmpeg -framerate 10 -f image2pipe -vcodec mjpeg -i - -vcodec libx264 out.mp4
- Example of some parameters for the Grow Hat Mini
channel1: {auto_water: true, dry_point: 27, enabled: true, pump_speed: 0.6, pump_time: 0.7,
warn_level: 0.3, watering_delay: 60, wet_point: 6.0}
channel2: {auto_water: true, dry_point: 27, enabled: true, pump_speed: 0.6, pump_time: 0.6,
warn_level: 0.3, watering_delay: 60, wet_point: 6.0}
channel3: {auto_water: true, dry_point: 27, enabled: true, pump_speed: 0.7, pump_time: 0.7,
warn_level: 0.3, watering_delay: 60, wet_point: 6.0}
general: {alarm_enable: false, alarm_interval: 2}