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mathildemerle edited this page Nov 29, 2019 · 9 revisions

#f03c15 Minimum supported OS

  • Ubuntu 16 / 18
  • Fedora (v?)
  • Mac 10.13
  • Windows 10

#f03c15 Pre-requisites

#1589F0 On Linux

CMake should be >= CMake 3.3. You can check with cmake --version.

On Deb based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint...)

sudo apt install git g++ cmake cmake-curses-gui cmake qt5-default libboost-all-dev
sudo apt install qtcreator

On RPM based distributions (Fedora, Red-Hat, OpenSUSE...)

/!\ To update

yum install gcc gcc-g++ gcc-c++ git subversion cmake qt-devel libXt-devel boost-devel qtwebkit-devel

#1589F0 On Mac

In a terminal:

  • xcode-select --install
  • As on /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"


brew update
brew install cmake
brew install qt5
brew install boost --with-python

#1589F0 On Windows

See en_win_Development-environement-setup

#f03c15 Compilation

#1589F0 On Linux & Mac

git clone
cd medInria-public && mkdir build
cd build
ccmake .. 
#CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_externals_pro = RelWithDebInfo
#CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_medInria = RelWithDebInfo
#medInria_BUILD_TYPE = RelWithDebInfo
#If you want the external projects source and build in a directory in medInria-public, not at the root:
make -j8 [package]

In QtCreator:

  • Open the CMakeLists, and choose the compilation directory
  • Projects -> medInria -> Exec environment -> add env variables found in build/superbuild/ MEDINRIA_PLUGINS_DIR and MEDINRIA_PLUGINS_DIR_LEGACY
  • Cmake and compilation

#1589F0 On Windows

/!\ To update

cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32 #or "Visual Studio 14 2015", "Visual Studio 15 2017" without the "-A Win32" parameter
msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /nologo /verbosity:minimal /maxcpucount /p:Configuration=Release

Or graphically: use CMake software, choose your source and build paths, configure, choose your Visual Studio version, fill parameters if needed, generate. Then open ALL_BUILD.vcxproj through CMake or your file manager, choose ALL_BUILD, and generate.

#f03c15 Packaging

#1589F0 On Linux

make package

And wait a bit... a new binary file is created for your OS.

The generated file is a .zip, extract the file where you want. In a terminal, run cd bin and ./, or directly double-click on

#1589F0 On Mac

make package

And wait a bit... a new binary file is created for your OS.

The generated file is a .DMG, double-click on the binary and do the installation. You can find the software in your list of application.

#1589F0 On Windows

You first need to compile everything in Release mode. Open medInria-public in Visual Studio, right-click on the project called PACKAGE, "Project only", "Generate ...". This can also be done in a Visual Studio Command Prompt with:

cmake --build . --config Release --target package

The generated file is a .exe, double-click on the binary and do the installation. You can find the software in your list of application.

#f03c15 Run

#1589F0 On Linux and Mac

./superbuild/ [--debug]
  • Or with QtCreator.
  • Or, on Linux you can run the script in the package, in the bin directory.
  • Or, on Mac, you can install the DMG package and run the application.

#1589F0 On Windows

Through Visual Studio 2017, or installing the application.

#f03c15 Add external projects

/!\ Add a way to add external plugins into medInria?