This repo includes the code for Single Camera Training for Person Re-identification. In utils/, the proposed loss term, Multi-camera Negative Loss, is implemented in class DistanceLoss. We also provide training data (Duke-SCT and Market-SCT in paper) information in duke_sct.txt and market_sct.txt.
The code is based on Cysu/open-reid.
The code has been tested on Pytorch 1.0.0 and Python 3.7.
Other required packages: fire, protobuf, tensorboardX.
We use ResNet-50 as the backbone. A pretrained model file is needed. Please put this file in the repo directory.
1. Download Market-1501 and DukeMTMC-reID
2. Make new directories in data and organize them as follows:
+-- data | +-- market | +-- bounding_box_train_sct | +-- query | +-- boudning_box_test | +-- duke | +-- bounding_box_train_sct | +-- query | +-- boudning_box_test
3. Copy images to the above directories.
Training images used for SCT datasets are listed in market_sct.txt and duke_sct.txt. Query and gallery images remain the same.
To train with our proposed MCNL or Triplet baseline, simply run
If you find this code useful, please kindly cite the following paper:
title={Single Camera Training for Person Re-identification},
author={Zhang, Tianyu and Xie, Lingxi and Wei, Longhui and Zhang, Yongfei and Li, Bo and Tian, Qi},
booktitle={AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)},