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Georgian Budget

This api application visualizes the national budget of the Republic of Georgia.

Get Started

  1. Setup .env file
  2. cp .env.example .env
  3. Add Secrets (use rake secret to generate values)
  4. Use postgres as the value for DB_USER and TEST_DB_USER
  5. Set database names for DB_NAME and TEST_DB_NAME, such as 'budget_dev' and 'budget_test'
  6. Install docker and docker-compose
  7. docker-compose build (takes a while) TODO ubuntu related issue
  8. docker-compose up
  9. docker-compose run api rake db:create db:migrate db:seed
  10. Add budget data to database. Two options:
  11. Restore the dev database from a db dump: 1. docker-compose ps ---> get the name of the db container 1. docker cp /path/to/db/file db_container_name:/tmp/backup.sql 1. docker-compose exec db pg_restore --clean --no-owner -d "dev_db_name" -U "postgres" /tmp/backup.sql
  12. If you don't have a dump file to restore from, you can run the budget uploader (consult separate section below).
  13. Go to localhost:3000 or start using the API :)

Run the budget uploader

  1. Sync the local budget files repo with master: docker-compose run api rake budget_data:sync_with_repo
  2. Run the uploader (takes a long time): docker-compose run api rake budget_data:upload

Deploy (or run any mina command) from within docker-compose exec api bash container

The api container is not configured by default to work for deploying, so you will have to do a little bit of configuration in order to do so. This section is intended to make that configuration easier.

Ideally, this is only a temporary solution until we figure out how to deploy with docker.

NOTE: The below commands will only work if the container you are setting up to deploy from is named georgianbudgetapi_api_1. If it has a different name, then use it below in the docker cp commands.

  1. Copy your global gitignore into the api container (called from host):
docker cp ~/.gitignore_global georgianbudgetapi_api_1:/root/

(on ubuntu .gitignore_global step is skipped) 2. Run these commands from within the api container(called from api container):

git config --global core.excludesfile /root/.gitignore_global

bundle_path=$(which bundle)
sed -i -e "s/activate_bin_path/bin_path/g" $bundle_path

mkdir -p /root/.ssh

apt-get -y install rsync

In order: configure git to use .gitignore_global; fix bundle issue described here; create .ssh directory if it doesn't exist; install rsync, which is a dependency of the deploy process.

  1. Make sure your local user has an ssh key at ~/.ssh/id_rsa and ~/.ssh/ (called from host)
docker cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa georgianbudgetapi_api_1:/root/.ssh/
docker cp ~/.ssh/ georgianbudgetapi_api_1:/root/.ssh/
  1. Add your ssh key to the container's ssh-agent so that it doesn't ask for your passphrase when you deploy. You will have to enter your ssh key's passphrase. (called from api container)
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
eval ssh-agent
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  1. Continue with deploy as usual

Transfer Postgres database

  1. Find the database container name: docker-compose ps
  2. Log into the db container: docker exec -i -t {container-id} /bin/bash
  3. Dump the database: pg_dump -Fc -U postgres -O budget_staging_dev > tmp/budget_dev.sql
  4. Exit the db container: exit
  5. Copy out of db container: docker cp {container-id}:tmp/budget_dev.sql tmp/
  6. Copy to server: scp tmp/budget_dev.sql {user_name}@{server_name}:tmp/
  7. Restore: pg_restore --clean --no-owner -d "budget-staging" -U "budget-staging" tmp/budget_dev.sql

Docker Cheat Sheet

This is a cheat sheet for JumpStart's Rails docker projects. If you want to truly understand what's going on here, consult the Docker documentation and work through their tutorials.

Build (or rebuild) images

docker-compose build

Start up project

docker-compose up


If you're missing a gem, you don't want to rebuild the docker api image — that takes too long, as it forces docker to install all the gems. Instead:

docker-compose run api bundle install

Or to update:

docker-compose run api bundle update

Open bash session in api container

If you find yourself typing a lot of commands prefixed by docker-compose run api, you can open a bash session in the api container and just type them there.

docker-compose run api rake db:create
docker-compose run api rake db:migrate
docker-compose run api rake db:seed
docker-compose run api rspec
docker-compose run api rails g migration AddColumnDockerKnowledgeToBrain

Can be run like this:

docker-compose run api bash
# then, in bash
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
rails g migration AddColumnDockerKnowledgeToBrain
# and when you're done

View status of docker-compose services

docker-compose ps

Attach to a docker-compose service container

If you want to view the output or interact with a running container, you can attach to it like below. (This is helpful if you use binding.pry to debug the server.)

docker-compose ps
# find the name of the container you want to attach to
# below we will attach to georgianbudgetapi_api_1
docker attach georgianbudgetapi_api_1

Convenient Aliases

You'll be typing docker and docker-compose a lot, so I recommend creating bash aliases for these commands. For example, you can add the following lines to your ~/.bash_profile (or ~/.bashrc):

alias do='docker'
alias doco='docker-compose'

Then, you can substitute doco for docker-compose and do for docker in all of these commands.


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