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FoundryVTT - Forien's Armoury

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This module is a collection of custom trappings and features for Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play 4th edition game system for Foundry Virtual Table Top

Forien's Armoury started as a compendium of my own custom items and houserules and as the time went by, it got expanded

Notable changes in v3.1.0

  • Updated for Active Effects using Data Models (with Warhammer Library) and verified for WFRP4e 8.0.1
  • Created Grimoire type for Items.
    • This is new item type in the system, which allows to transfer spells from Grimoires without need to add spells themselves to an Actor.
    • It allows GMs to create items that award spells when held (or equipped, configurable) and take the spells away when grimoire is lost (or unequipped)
    • Memorized spells are not removed
    • Additional options to limit spells based on known language, lores, ability to Read/Write etc.
  • You can read full changelog here

Notable changes in v3.0.0

  • Verified for Foundry v12 and set it as minimum version due to lack of backwards compatibility
  • Fixed Item Properties, macros and some other issues

Notable changes in v2.1.0

  • Added following GM only Macros:
    • Character Status summary — lets GM generate a quick table showing basic summary of party composition - careers, fate/resilience points, experience
    • Award XP with Companions — allows GM to award party the XP, based on whether Actors are in specified folders. Companions receive half.
  • Added following GM & Player Macros:
    • Use Cantrip — allows using "Cants" using rules from Archives of the Empire Vol.III. Require duplication and setup
    • Make Extended Lockpick Test — allows both GMs and Players to create Extended Lockpick Tests for their characters to attempt. Configuration available

Notable changes in v2.0.0

  • Updated all of module's Active Effect to work or take advantage of WFRP4e's Effect Refactor Update
    • Because of that, all Active Effects (such as Runes, some trappings, traits and talents) on existing Actors need to be replaced with new ones from compendium!
  • Created Magic Scrolls type for Items
    • This is new item type in the system, which allows casting Spells from Scrolls, without need to add spell itself to an Actor
  • Added Generate Random Scroll Macro, which improves the WoM macro by creating Magic Scroll Item
  • New Weapon Rune
    • Rune of Fracture. Adds Impact, but damages weapon by 2 per attack.
  • 15 new Petty Spells of Silliness. They are quite silly!
  • Added Runebound species with Reiklander and Orphaned subspecies to Chargen
    • Added Rolltables for Runebound Career and Runebound Random Talents for use during Chargen
  • Added Combat Fatigue – Rounds Before Test counter to Combat Tracker (thanks to silent_mark)
  • Added setting to allow automatic falling unconscious of characters from 0 wounds in CRB ruleset (thanks to silent_mark)
  • Added 3 new Diseases and 3 new Symptoms to „RassilonMonk's Cauldron of Nurgle“
  • Several other changes to both content and codebase, read more


Recommended: Install via FoundryVTT

FoundryVTT will automatically install the Module and its dependencies, while also prompting you to download optional, recommended Modules.

Once installed, while in World using WFRP4e game system, enable Forien's Armoury module.


  1. Install WFRP4e Game System and other dependencies.
  2. Install Forien's Armoury by extracting ZIP in your FoundryData/Data/modules directory
  3. While in World using WFRP4e game system, enable Forien's Armoury module



This Module adds some QoL and automation features, including mechanics that:

  • Allow for automatic removal of Temporary Runes when they get disabled (preferably by Times Up Module).
    • Optionally allows for damaging an Item when Rune is removed (disabled by default).
  • Magic Scrolls, completely new, independent Item type that allows characters to cast spells from scrolls without needing to know the Spell
  • Arrow Reclamation, allowing players to recover some of the ammunition (arrows, bolts or sling bullets) after an encounter. Defaults to even rolls. Disabled by default.
  • Combat Fatigue, using optional „Getting Tired“ ruleset.
  • Casting Fatigue, providing soft limit to amount of spells that can be cast in short amount of time.
  • Automated Disease Progression, allowing for incubation and duration of diseases to countdown automatically.
  • Additionally this module contains quite a bit of utility or quality of life macros. You can find full list down below, but here are few:
    • Generate Random Scroll (Macro), improved WoM macro that now creates usable Magic Scroll
    • Check Careers (Macro), allows players to quickly check their progress through current Career and how far are they from completing it.
    • Item Repair (Macro), allow players to easily repair their equipment for free or for price, using Macro and clean, readable auto-updating Chat Card



Module contains single Compendium pack containing over 150 (Item and Active Effect) entries.

  • Added 12 new Careers across 3 new Career Paths
    • Monster Hunter
    • Runebound Ranger
    • Runesmith
  • Added 33 Runes implemented as working Active Effects
  • Added 22 new Spells
    • 15 Petty Spells of Silliness
    • 7 Runebound Runic Spells
  • Added 1 new Skill (Runecraft)
  • Added 11 new Talents (Dawi Runes, Runebound Magic, Fortifiend Mind, 3x Fighting Styles and 3x Fighting Masters)
  • Added 4 new Traits (Drunk, Point Blank Rule, Repulsive, Casting Mastery)
  • Added 11 new and rebalanced Armour items:
    • Added Gambesons as an alternative to Leather armour
    • Rebalanced Leather armour (is more expensive than Gambesons, but Durable)
    • Added Cuirass (plate torso armour)
    • Added Breastplate (covers front only)
  • Added 9 new Ammunition types:
    • Barbed Bolt, Bodkin Bolt, Sharp Stick (Bolt)
    • Fire Arrows, Poisoned Arrows, Winged Arrows
    • Cracker Bullet, Razor Bullet
    • Improved Bullet and Powder
  • Added 8 new Weapons:
    • Cutlass
    • Light Bomb
    • Old Bow
    • Pickaxe
    • Short Spear
    • Spear
    • Spear (2h)
    • Torch
  • Added 6 new Accessories:
    • Amulet of „Protection“
    • Amulet of „Resilience“
    • Elegant Pipe
    • Ring of See Invisibility
    • Ring of Smell
    • Spectacles
  • Added 8 new Containers
    • 3 Quivers, 3 Powder Horns, 2 Bags
  • Added 8 new Diseases
    • Gonorrhoea,
    • Jakob Kreutzfeld Disease
    • Meniere's disease,
    • Nurgle's Rot,
    • Ragpicker's Disease,
    • The Martyr's Smear
    • The Spews
    • The Wither
  • Added 10 new generic Ingredients for each Arcane Lore
  • Added some miscellaneous Trappings, Money and Item Pile Services


Module contains single Compendium Pack containing two Journals:

  • Forien's Homerules — this Journal contains my own Homerules, as well as rules for some of the Items included in this Module.
  • Forien's Careers — this Journal only contains detailed descriptions for Careers included with this Module.
  • Forien's Lore — this Journal only contains non-mechanical descriptions of some homebrew concepts I introduced, such as Hunters' Guild or the Runebound species.


Module contains a single Compendium Pack containing 10 Macros:

  • GM Macro to quickly set Infighting on target Tokens
  • 3 GM Macros to quickly set selected tokens' dispositions
  • GM Macro to quickly generate a random, fully usable Magic Scroll
  • GM Macro to generate a table where they can quickly check basic status of PCs
  • GM Macro to easily award XP to party based on folders, including half XP for companions
  • Player Macro to check their Career progression
  • 2 Player Macros to check for their Damaged Equipment
  • Player Macro to generate specific Ingredient for, and based on a specific Spell
  • Player Macro to roll for advanced Skill with limited SL result
  • Player Macro to quickly and easily create an Extended Lockpicking Test
  • Player Macro to implement "Cants" (Cantrips) from AotE3, requires setup.
  • General Macro to quickly open a WFRP4e Item Browser
  • General Macro to quickly open the Forien's Armoury Settings

Troubleshooting and Debug

If you want to have deeper understanding of why module behaves the way it does, you can enable Debug in module's setting.

This setting makes it so that module will output a ton of information into the console whenever is performs or attempts to perform an action.

You can open the console by using F12 keybind on most browsers.

Tip: Use Forien's Armoury as filter in console to only see this module's messages.

Recommended 3rd Party Modules

These modules are important for functionality of this module's Features. While not strictly required, I highly recommend using them:

  • Times Up — Allows for automatic disabling of effects, especially useful for Temporary Runes introduced in Forien's Armoury.
  • Simple Calendar — A time tracking module is required for Automatic Disease Progression as well as Automated Magical Endurance Regeneration. Simple Calendar is recommended since it works well with WFRP4e!

Other suggested modules

These modules work with some Documents (Actors, Items etc.) I provide in the Compendiums. Those are only necessary if you plan on using those Documents.

  • Active Token Effects — Allows to use presets such as "torch" etc. for Lighting items
  • Item Piles — Awesome module that allows you to make tokens lootable, create treasure chests, bank vaults and - most importantly in my opinion - merchants. Forien's Armoury includes 92 Rollable Tables ready to be used to Populate Items for Merchants, as well as 6 prefab merchants!

Notable mentions

  • DFreds Effects Panel — Isn't specifically linked to Forien's Armoury in any way, but provides nice and clean effects display with ability to toggle them, so I recommend trying it

Future plans


  • Easy to use UI for creating runic items


  • New Career Paths
    • [Added in v1.4.0] Monster Hunter – mundane alternative to the Runebound Ranger, trained to specialize in one of several fighting style
    • Hunter Engineer – an Engineer that specializes in weapons, traps and gadgets designed to be effective against monsters
    • Balancing tweaks to all careers in Monster Hunter Class, if needed
  • More dwarven Runes

If you have any suggestion or idea on new contents, open an Issue or hit me up on Discord!

Known issues

  • Sometimes, the Automated Disease Progression feature will stop on duration = 1 and throw an error. This is due to a bug existing in the WFRP4e itself.
    • Workaround: When you see this error, consider disease finished and follow-up accordingly. Usually deleting the disease Item from Actor is the right course of action.


If you wish to contact me for any reason, reach me out on Discord using my tag: forien


If you wish to support me, please consider becoming my Patreon or donating through Paypal. Thanks!


Disclaimer: I kept all acknowledgments, even if their respective work was lost during the Module's remake. Sorry for that.

  • Thanks to Atropos for his relentless work on developing and improving the Foundry VTT
  • Thanks to Moo Man for his great work developing the WFRP4e game system as well as for his invaluable help with understanding how to mod Foundry using JS
  • Thanks to Thoradin for an idea for arrow reclamation feature :)
  • Thanks to DasSauerkraut for allowing me to integrate compendium from his Gerwin Waffenhalter’s Magnificent Weapons Gallery into my module
  • Thanks to LeRatierBretonnien and Gharazel for providing French translation!
  • Thanks to ElCamino for providing German translation!
  • Thanks to silent_mark for contributing to Polish translation!
  • Thanks to Nibbler from The Rat Catchers Guild on Discord for providing his price tables
  • Thanks to VividOblivion for proposing and designing a Casting Fatigue rule!
  • Thanks to RassilonMonk for contributing symptoms and diseases as a part of his „RassilonMonk's Cauldron of Nurgle“!


Forien's Armoury is a module for Foundry VTT by Forien and is licensed under a MIT License.

This work is licensed under Foundry Virtual Tabletop EULA - Limited License for Package Development from March 2, 2023.

To the best of my knowledge, all content in this module is either made by me, publicly available under permissive license or falls under Fair Use. Please bring infractions or concerns related to my module to my attention by contacting me via email presented on my GitHub profile.