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Alexandre Costa edited this page Aug 19, 2024 · 14 revisions

"Plugie" comes from Plugin Importer/Exporter - PlugIE. It is an app that extends Django CMS capabilities. While Django CMS allows you to copy, cut, and paste plugins within a page and even between different pages in the same CMS, Plugie allows you to serialize your plugins into a JSON file to later import into a page that might live in another CMS.

This is the developer documentation. To get an overview of using Plugie, please take a look at the README file.


Start here if you are new to Plugie:

  • installation
  • configuring
  • adding custom serializer/deserializer methods

Plugie comes with a simple CLI tool for setting up your project and make it work 'out-of-the-box' with Django CMS.

Technical reference material, for

  • CLI commands
  • flowchart
  • custom and built-in methods
  • configuration
  • etc.

✓ indicates that the version has been tested and works. × indicates that it has not been tested, or is known to be incompatible

Plugie Django CMS
<=3.6 4.1
0.1.x ×
1.0.x ×