An Open Source project with everything you need to learn about Rust.
This project is a Next.js application with Tailwind CSS and TypeScript.
It includes a real-time display of the number of stars on the GitHub repository and supports light and dark mode toggling.
The application also integrates with for additional developer resources.
- Next.js
- Tailwind CSS
- TypeScript
- Real-time GitHub Stars: Displays the current number of stars for the repository.
- Light/Dark Mode: Toggle between light and dark themes.
- Responsive Design: Optimized for various screen sizes using Tailwind CSS.
- Developer Resources: Includes links to and GitHub repository.
- Social Media Integration: Links to Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Discord, and Instagram.
- Google analytics integration: Links to Google Analytics to monitor real-time analytics
Ensure you have the following installed:
Clone the repository:
git clone cd rustcrab
Install dependencies:
npm install
npm run dev
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the application.
To create an optimized production build, run:
npm run build
yarn build
This will generate a out directory containing the optimized build.
You can deploy this Next.js application to various platforms such as Vercel, Netlify, or any other hosting provider supporting static site hosting.
Contributions are welcome! Please follow these guidelines to ensure a smooth and efficient process:
Finding and Creating Issues:
- Browse the existing Issues to see if there is something you would like to work on.
- If you find an issue that is not already assigned, you can assign it to yourself.
- If you don't find an issue that matches your interests, feel free to create a new issue detailing the problem or improvement.
Assigning Issues:
- Before starting work on an issue, check if it is already assigned to someone else.
- Do not work on issues that are already assigned to another contributor. Your pull request (PR) will not be accepted if the issue is already assigned.
- Assign the issue to yourself to indicate that you are working on it.
Submitting Pull Requests:
- Ensure that your PR is linked to an assigned issue. PRs without an associated and assigned issue will not be accepted.
- Follow the project's coding standards and guidelines.
- Include a clear and concise description of the changes you have made in your PR.
Code Review and Feedback:
- Be open to feedback and be prepared to make changes to your PR based on the review comments.
- Engage in discussions on the PR to clarify any questions or concerns.
Testing and Documentation:
- Ensure that your changes are well-tested and do not break existing functionality.
- Update the documentation if your changes affect any part of it.
By following these guidelines, you help maintain a collaborative and efficient workflow. Thank you for contributing!
Please note that RustCrab is governed by a Code of Conduct.