Open source raffle is an open source software created to fulfil the need to subscribe to a "contest maker" with a public RESTfull easy to use.
We divided our software into two main segments designed so any developer can pick up the code at wherever they feel is their strongest point.
Our Fron-End is created in Next.JS/React which allows any person with an entry-level in react to pick up the code and start coding.
NextJs is an awesome library that does all the heavy lifting from React and helps keep the front-end rendering fast.
│ settings.js # Auth0 ClientID & Domain config file
│ │ MainPage # The index components
│ │ Raffles # The Raffle "user-side" components
│ │ Users # All the "Dashboad" components
│ │ Index # Single Page - Simple route
│ │ Dashboard # Single Page - Main component route > ./Component/User/index
│ │ Raffles # Simple page with data Fetch.
│ │ Login & Redirect # Page Helpers
│ auth.js # All the authentication methods (Login/Logout/...)
│ auth0.js # Auth0 methods are define
│ secure-template.js # A HOC (High Order component) to protect routes
│ template.js # A HOC (High Order component) to use on un protected routes
└───Assets # Normal CSS files, fonts, static images and more.
This Back-end on the other side its planned to be a flexible NodeJS/Express server working with Prisma as the ORM layer to a "In-development" simple GraphQL API layer.
Meanwhile, our server side is created to handle daily updates with Cron Jobs that performs a check in every single Raffle that your users are running.
│ prisma.yml # Entry point to your Prisma Server
│ datamodel.prisma # Where you create your TypeDef to your database Schema
│ │ RaffleAPI.js # a RESTfull express route that helps with the POST/GET req
│ │ sellerAPI.js # [deprecated] a RESTfull express route that helps user fetching
│ │ dbCron.js # Daily updater in the database
│ │ index.js # Entry point
└───Generated # Generated data from Prisma CLI [/prisma generate]
Use the package manager npm to instal the both sides of the application.
- Lets run the Front-End 🤟
$ cd front-end
- Install all the dependency of the app
$ npm install
Get your credentials in and add localhost:3000/redirect as your callback URL.
Modify the file settings.js with your own credentials.
Start the beast 🐻with
$ npm run dev
- Lets run the 🚀 Back-End
$ cd back-end
- Install all the dependency of the app
$ npm install
- Start the serverwith
$ nodemon app.js or node app.js
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.