This bundle adds support for user tracking code injection.
Currently supported trackers are:
For applicable trackers, the currently logged-in user will also be provided with the tracking payload.
NOTE: Google Analytics support has been removed as there is a superior bundle provided by Oro: Oro Google Tag Manager Bundle
Inspired by the OroCommerce Analytics/GTM Bundle by DivanteLtd (unmaintained)
- OroCommerce 5.0.X
NOTE: Adjust instructions as needed for your local environment
- Install via Composer:
composer require friendsoforo/oro-customer-tracking-bundle
- Purge Oro cache:
php bin/console cache:clear --env=prod
- Login to Oro Admin
- Navigate to System Configuration => Friends of Oro => Customer Tracking/Analytics
- Configure the required Tracking Providers as needed
- Save the configuration and verify that they are now appearing on the frontend website