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Added pre-commit hooks

lint and prettify before sending to server

_todo: dockerizing dev and prod modes _

!! image not centered. another assets is requested

React boilerplate on port 3000:

Features: devServer, modules,fonts, ReactRouter

ReactRouter fixed devServer

** NOTE! important!!! only ubuntu style works for old and new browser. EOF, TTF, WOF2 missing for MULI!!!**

CSS/SCSS modules enabled

import './App.css'

or module

import styles from './App.module.scss"

Fonts Support:

( WOFF - Web Open Font Format - REC - not supports IE6-8 Opera Mini all) For fonts support check branch with withFonts.

git checkout withFonts as example added Muli Fonts


- src/
  --- assets/
  ----- fonts/
  ------- Muli-Regular.woff
  ------- Muli-Regular.woff2

including with @font-face definition

 @font-face {
  font-family: 'Muli Regular';
  font-style: normal;
  font-weight: normal;
    url('./assets/fonts/Muli-Regular.woff2') format('woff2'),
    url('./assets/fonts/Muli-Regular.woff') format('woff');

some useful github commands

$ git checkout <existing_branch>

create and switch to it: $ git checkout -b <new_branch>

to a existiing one $git branch <branch_name>

or use switch

$ git switch <existing_branch>

$ git switch -c <non_existing_branch>

push: $`git push origin <branch_name>

About Prettier and it settings:

in .eslintrc : disable Proptypes error: "react/prop-types": 0, disable no-used-var error: "no-unused-vars":0

or commentat file beginning: /_ eslint react/prop-types: 0 / or this: / eslint react/forbid-prop-types: 0 _/

Note: about user roles. when create a new user role/ because it can have different routes/contributions, it will have different layout. steps to add, for a admin role:

  1. Add it own route in a separate routing file(see ./src/publicRoutes.js).
  2. Do his AdminLayout (Navbar will be rendered for all routes, a HOC). example of Layout:
  1. Import Layout in App.js and put it on else block if (user==="admin) { layoutToDisplay = user === 'public' && ( ); }
  2. Test it!


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