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Firmware Test Plan for Apple II

europlus edited this page Aug 29, 2024 · 3 revisions

Firmware Test Plan for Apple II

All Apple II Family computers

Please connect the USB port on the FujiNet to a computer running Windows, macOS or Linux and launch the FujiNet Flasher application. This will allow you to flash to the newest release and load the Serial diagnostic shell to view the activity log/debug output messages that will be needed for troubleshooting.

Please start with a base/simple system

  • Apple ][+ = only the 16K language card, SmartPort Card and Drive controller.
  • Apple //e (all) = only the 64K 80 column card, SmartPort Card and Drive controller.
  • Apple IIgs = No cards installed and all system slot assignments set to "Your Card" except for Slot 5 (enables the onboard SmartPort drive controller) and Slot 6 (onboard Disk II controller)

Once you have a fully functional base/simple system, then retest your system with each additional card.

REMEMBER: if you make two changes at once and something doesn't work then you don't know which change caused the issue. We know this is tedious but it is how a robust system is created.

Apple ][+, //e, //e Enhanced, //e Platinum

Card Installation

Slot 0 (Apple ][ only) should have the 16K Language card (if you only have a Saturn 128K card then make note of that with any reported errors).

AUX (Apple //e only) should have an Extended 80 Column card w/64K of RAM. If you are using an Applied Engineering RAMWORKS (I, II or III), Apple/Video-7 RGB Extended 80 Column card, or Microsoft Premium SoftCard //e then please make note of that when reporting errors).

Slot 5 should have a SmartPort Card:

  • KBOOHK SPROM Card w/ SoftSP v5
  • Grappler+ w/ DIY SoftSP v5
  • SuperSerial w/ DIY SoftSP v5

NOTE: If making your own, you will need a 2732 EPROM and programmer to burn the SoftSP firmware to the EPROM.

Slot 6 Disk Drive interface card:

  • Apple Disk II Interface Card (2xIDC20, P/N 654-X104), 5.25 Drive Controller Card (DB19, P/N 655-0101) or I/O Controller Card (DB19, P/N 655-0101)
  • Apple Liron card (DB19, P/N 603-9107/820-0117) – Liron has built-in SmartPort, therefore a separate card is not needed. Disk II emulation not supported in FujiNet via Liron card.
  • Yellowstone card (2xIDC20) – The Yellowstone card has built-in SmartPort, therefore a separate card is not needed – works as either Disk II controller or SmartPort controller, but not both at the same time.


First time setup
  1. Power on the Apple II – FujiNet will have its CONFIG disk mounted.
  2. Press [CONTROL-RESET] to get a prompt
  3. Type PR#X (X=whichever slot your DIY SoftSP ROM card is in, ex: PR#5)
  4. Press [RETURN]
  5. The CONFIG disk will boot and display a list of the detected SmartPort devices
  6. Press [RETURN] to continue into CONFIG
  7. Follow Apple II & III FujiNet Quickstart Guide for setting up the CONFIG.

Power off the Apple II and FujiNet (remove USB from FujiNet as the FujiNet does not have a power switch)


From here we are assuming you are using a SmartPort card and Disk II controller. All the steps are the same if you are using a Liron or Yellowstone card, except you should not need to do the [CONTROL-RESET] followed by PR#5 after each reboot. (NEEDS VERIFICATION)

Connect the FujiNet to the top IDC20 pin connector of the Disk II card or use a DB19 to IDC20 adapter to connect to the Liron card. The Yellowstone card can use either the top IDC20 or DB19 if you bought the cables from BMOW. Approved adapters are listed on the quick start guide Apple II & III FujiNet Quickstart Guide.

Plug the USB back into the FujiNet. Make sure your SmartPort card and Drive Controller card are fully seated in the slots and turn on the Apple II.

You should get to the FujiNet boot screen... The screen should clear and be presented with the NAVIGATE screen.

Now perform the following:

  1. Arrow down to APPS.IRATA.ONLINE and press [RETURN]
  2. Select APPLE_II and press [RETURN]
  3. Select the folder you want – at this time I am using UTILITIES/ – and press [RETURN]
  4. Select 2018-01-03 - PRODOS8.2MG and press [RETURN]
  5. Arrow to number 1 under SMARTPORT DRIVES and press [RETURN]
  6. Press [ESC] to return to the CONFIG main screen
  7. Press [ESC] to boot
  8. The screen should clear and a message should appear stating Mounting 1
  9. The computer should reboot
  10. If the disk image does not boot directly, press [CONTROL-RESET]
  11. Type PR#5 and press [RETURN]

The computer should load the ProDOS 2.4.1 image and a BITSY BYE menu system should be on the screen.

If this occurred, your system successfully booted to ProDOS 2.4.1!

Now every time you reboot, press [CONTROL-RESET], type PR#5 and it will boot to ProDOS.

To get back to the NAVIGATE screen do the following:

  1. Press the Reset button on the FujiNet device (my Rev0 is labeled SAFE RESET with a small S2 next to the button).
  2. When you press the FujiNet's reset button the white WiFi light should go off and back on.
  3. When the light is back on, reboot the computer ([OPEN APPLE-CONTROL-RESET], or power cycle).
  4. Press [CONTROL-RESET]
  5. Type PR#5 and press [RETURN]

The screen should clear. The boot page should load and clear. Then the NAVIGATE window should appear.

If this all worked, this round of testing is finished. Add your next card to the system and re-test.

Once you have a fully working system, please repeat all these steps/tests with the FujiNet unplugged from the USB port. The FujiNet is normally powered directly from the Apple II expansion bus and therefore no external power should be required. If you find some tests work with USB power but not when only using power from the expansion bus (or maybe works intermittently) then please report those findings to the #apple-ii FujiNet Discord channel.

Apple //c or //c+

No cards required, but your //c does need to be ROM version 0, 3, or 4. The original ROM version is 255, so don’t get confused. To find out your ROM version, type the following at a ] prompt:


If it returns 255 then you need to get a ROM upgrade. This can be done by downloading and burning your own 32K EPROM, or getting a ROMXc.

NOTE: ROMXc and ROMXc+ – This will let you load any one of 15 different ROM images. Very handy for testing things out – available at ReactiveMicro and, for Australians, directly from Australian-based JDMicro.

Apple //c ROM images

(Work in progress)

Apple IIgs (ROM1 or ROM3)

No SmartPort Card needed as it is built into the IIgs ROMs.

(Work in progress)

Apple /// or ///+

(Work in progress)



Can your FujiNet connect to WiFi? If not, try the following:

  1. Is your Wireless network name (SSID) shown in CONFIG?
  2. If your SSID is not listed, do you have a 2.4GHz SSID enabled on your network?
  3. If you are not broadcasting your SSID, then you will need to manually configure it (DOES THIS WORK???)
  4. When you selected your SSID, did you enter the correct password?
  5. Anything else?

NOTE: If your 5GHZ and 2.4GHz networks have the same name, FujiNet may have trouble connecting to the 2.4GHz network.

Once Wireless is working, can you get to the FujiNet web page by using a browser to http://fujinet, http://fujinet.local/ or http://<fujinet_ip_address> (shown in CONFIG after pressing [C] on main screen)?

If not, try the following:

  1. Make sure you are trying to get to the FujiNet web page from the same subnet or have a router/firewall rule to allow traffic to and from this subnet from your wired subnet. Some home networks can be quite elaborate.
  2. Anything else?


Test that CP/M works if you have a Rev000 or Rev1 FujiNet.

NOTE: Rev0 and Rev00 do not support CP/M without hardware modification

  1. From the NAVIGATE screen of CONFIG connect to APPS.IRATA.ONLINE
  2. Select VT100.PO from within APPLE_II/NEEDSWORK/ (Don't be alarmed by the NEEDSWORK directory – the VT100.PO app does work but isn't considered 100% complete yet)
  3. Add the VT100.PO app to SLOT 1 of the SmartPort slots and press [ESC]
  4. Press [ESC] again to boot the disk image
  5. Press [CONTROL-RESET] & enter PR#5 to load the disk
  6. When the app loads it will prompt PRESS "C" FOR CP/M OR "M" FOR MODEM – press [C]
  7. CP/M should start & display the A0> prompt
  8. Type DIR & press [RETURN] – a directory listing should appear

Serial Console Debug

If your are in an active troubleshooting session with the Dev's then they will ask for the output from the serial console. All you need to do is copy the data from the FujiNet-Flasher window and paste it in the FujiNet #apple-ii Discord Channel along with your Make/Model/cards and what you were doing when the issue occurred. Alternatively, if you have a GitHub account, you can open a case for the issue there.

Assuming you have a repeatable issue, follow the steps at If you have been doing a lot of testing and then a crash or issue occurs, copy the entire log and upload it to .

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