RubberDoc was designed to support api's documentation generation based on RAML and Blueprint.
The latest executables for supported platforms are available from the release page.
Just extract and start using it:
$ wget${version}/rubberdoc-${version}.${os}-${arch}.tar.gz
$ tar -zxvf rubberdoc-${version}.${os}-${arch}.tar.gz
$ ./rubberdoc -h
$ git clone
$ cd RocketLabsRubberDoc
$ make install
Note: Ensure you have installed Go and configured your
The configuration is used to provide to the generator the location os the templates and how the will be generate and also the output's destination.
Property | Description |
combined | The option is a flag (true or false) and allows you to decide if the output will be combined in one file or will be located in different files defined on the Templates configuration. |
srcDir | Defines the location of the templates. If a relative path is given then the absolute path will be resolved using the config's file absolute's path. |
dstDir | Defines the output directory. If a relative path is given then the absolute path will be resolved using the config's file absolute's path. |
output | Destination of the combined output. In case the combined property is true, this property should be set. |
templates | Configuration for each template. See section Templates below. |
Property | Description |
src | Template's location. |
dst | Templates's output destination. This property will be omitted when the combined property is set to true. |
This example shows an configuration for a single template -> output:
combined: false
src: "simple.tmpl"
dst: "simple.html"
This example shows an configuration for a multiple templates -> output.
combined: true
output: "__OUTPUT_FILENAME__"
src: "base.tmpl"
src: "title.tmpl"
src: "version.tmpl"
src: "baseUri.tmpl"
src: "protocols.tmpl"
src: "mediaTypes.tmpl"
To see how the configuration looks like, you can see it for the try-it-out
located in try-it-out/templates/config.yaml.
HTML from a RAML's specification:
$ rubberdoc generate --spec=API.raml --config=config.yml
HTML from a Blueprint's specification:
$ rubberdoc generate --spec=API.apib --config=config.yml
Note: Check Configuration section to how to build your config.yml file.
As usual, you can also see all supported flags by passing -h
RubberDoc - A documentation generator for RAML and Blueprint
rubberdoc [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
Documentation's generator for RAML and Blueprint.
generate This command receives a configuration file and a specification file written in RAML or Blueprint.
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--debug, -d Enable debug logging
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
Using RAML's specification:
$ rubberdoc generate --spec=examples/spec/raml/simple.raml --config=try-it-out/templates/config.yaml
Using Blueprint's specification:
$ rubberdoc generate --spec=examples/spec/blueprint/simple.apib --config=try-it-out/templates/config.yaml
When you want to contribute to the development, follow the contribution guidelines.
- Jumpscale/go-raml for the raml parser.
- apiaryio/drafter for the Drafter library used by blueprint parser.
- Sirupsen/logrus for the logging library.
- urfave/cli for the cli library.
- stretchr/testify for the Assert package.