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Cadence Watches


The Project is developed using ReactJS, NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB and FireBase, The app is responsive on smaller devices.

Admin Login Details

Email: Password: Admin@cadence123

CSS Framework

TailWind CSS Framework and DaisyUI components

React Library's used

Some of the library's that was used in the project

React Router

  • To navigate the website
  • To load data from the API
  • To make dynamic paths for the website component
  • To make private routing
  • To redirect user

TanStack Query

  • To fetch data
  • To show data loading
  • To cache data


  • To fetch data
  • To Handle status error

React Hot Toast

  • To display messages

React Icons

  • To display icons

React Helmet Async

  • To dynamically display site title

React Photo View

  • To preview photos

Date fns

  • To format date


The website consists of 6 main pages

  • Home
  • Blogs
  • Login
  • Register
  • Category Products
  • Dashboard
  • All Sellers (Admin)
  • All Buyers (Admin)
  • Reported Products (Admin)
  • My Products (Seller)
  • Add Product (Seller)
  • My Orders (Buyer)
  • Checkout (Buyer)

The Category Products page is dynamic which changes based on selected category Dashboard route is divided into 3 parts which changes based on user role


Features of the website

  • Navbar can be used to navigate the website
  • Navbar has conditional rendering based on user login and logout
  • Homepage contains a Category list, Advertised product list, and Testimonial section
  • Clicking on a category takes the user to that category products page
  • Clicking on advertised item opens a booking modal to order the product, if the user is not logged in it will show login button
  • Category products page lists all products listed in the category
  • Each product card shows product details name, image, seller, price, years used, location
  • Product card have a book now button which opens a booking modal
  • The booking modal shows product name, price, logged in buyer name and email which are not editable
  • Buyer needs to input phone and location to submit the order, if buyer previously ordered the same product it will show a error toast
  • There is a small flag button beside product name to report the product
  • If the seller is verified it will show a blue tick to show the seller is verified
  • Blog page have some blog contents with title, author, image, and description
  • Login page has email-password and google login options
  • Register page has email-password and google registration options
  • During registration user can select their role buyer or seller (default is buyer)
  • Logging in with google will always give user the buyer role
  • Login, registration, google-login have jwt implemented with them
  • Footer has some dummy links and social media icons
  • Logged in user will see a dashboard and the dashboard shows different routes based on user role
  • Dashboard home shows the user name, user email and user role
  • Admin will see All sellers, All buyers and Reported products route
  • All sellers shows all sellers list with name, email, verify status and a delete button, If the seller is verified it will show Verified else it will show a verify button to make the seller verified
  • All buyers shows all sellers list with name, email and a delete button
  • Clicking the delete button will open a confirm modal to delete seller or buyer from the database
  • Reported products shows the product name, reporter and seller email, and a delete button to delete the report, associated product and product orders
  • Seller will see My products and Add product route
  • My products shows the products added by the seller with product name, category, price, sell status, advertise status and delete button
  • Advertise status shows if the product is advertised or not, if the product is available seller can click on advertise to show it on homepage
  • Seller can delete a their product by clicking the delete button which opens a confirm to delete the product and associated orders
  • Add product page has a form for seller to fill and add a product
  • Buyers will see My orders route
  • My orders route shows all the booked/ordered products of the buyer with product image, name, price and a pay button
  • Users can pay for the product by clicking on the pay button which takes them to checkout page
  • Checkout page has stripe card payment implemented for user to pay securely
  • If a user has paid for the booked/ordered product then it will show text paid instead of pay button