Users enter the game. The game starts once there is 4 people in the game.
Game randomly selects a player to be the "Word Master".
Word Master types a word into the input, which currently has the context of "enter in master word" for her only. When no word has been inputed by word master, the text box for the master word has the placeholder text "waiting for master word". Push the submitted master word into the master word text.
Names of the three other players are inserted into the users column of the game table, with statuses of "waiting for clue".
The first player in the users column is chosen to input a word to guess into his/her input field which for her only has the context of "Enter in word for players to guess". Once she has done that it has the context of "Enter clue to help pplayers guess word.". The inputed clue gets pushed to the clue box, which resides below the master word text box.
As soon as this takes place, all players, except player chosen to decide on word/clue pair guesses what the word is, based on the clue. Either the wordmaster guesses first and the round ends or the two other players guess the word correctly at the same time and the first letter of the master word is revealed to all players. While players guess the word their respective input fields have the context of "Guess what the word is". You can only see what your guess is and what the guess of the wordmaster is, the other player's guess is hidden from you.
Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the entire word is revealed.
have players respond to their own emitions where applicable
rename 'activePlayers' to 'players' and other unecsesary adjectives in general
omit data that can be appended from the server side form client emitions
ability to cancel a word